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"Brandon, he's awake." Cam tells shaking my shoulder. I look up at him, none of his words making sense as I yawn and sit up.

"What?" I ask as I stretch out my limbs and groan.

"Brandon, he's awake. He started coming around almost an hour ago and then suddenly he woke up, it is a miracle." Cam smiles sitting beside me. It takes a moment to register with me and then tears fill my eyes, my Brandon is awake. He is awake. He is alive. We're going to be fine, everything is going to be fine. Our baby will grow up with a father and I have Brandon by my side again. 

"Are you serious?" I ask looking to him with teary eyes.

"Yes, you can go see him if you'd like." Cam tells laying a hand on my shoulder. I instantly nod at his words, of course I want to see Brandon. I don't care about what we fought over, nor do I give a crap anymore. Brandon is alive and that's all that matters at this moment. 

I shakily stand up with the help of Cam, he holds on tight to me as we walk towards Brandon's room. I hold my breath as we walk in and instantly tears fill my eyes, he is alive. Brandon is sat up against the pillow talking to the doctor like he has just woken up from a nap. His eyes make their way to mine and his body fills with fear, maybe he feels guilty about what happened before he nearly died. Fuck that.

I let go off Cam and make my way towards Brandon, I see the relief leave his body the second I wrap my arms around his chest carefully. I bury my head into the crook of his neck and don't hold back on my tears, I feel Brandon's hand rest on my back and that only makes me cry more with relief that he is alive and awake.

"Shh, calm down, darling." Brandon soothes when the doctor and Cam leave the room to give us privacy. 

"I'm so glad you're awake and alive." I cry holding onto Brandon tightly in case he slips away from me in a matter of seconds, I keep squeezing his chest gently every time as I fear this is only a dream.

"I love you so much, I love you." I mutter looking up to Brandon. "I promise I won't ever leave you like that again, please don't leave me."

"I'm here baby, I'm here. I promise I won't leave you, I will always be with you." Brandon says choking back his tears. A few escape and I use my thumb to wipe them away, I rest my hand on his cheek and lean my head against Brandon's.

"That's my job." Brandon chuckles when I wipe more tears away.

"I am looking after you until you are able to get better." I tell sitting down on the bed and Brandon reaches for my hand. His eyes grow in sadness when he sees my empty ring finger, I close my fingers around his and take a deep breath. Maybe now is a good time to tell him he is about to become a father.

"I will get you a new ring, if you are OK with marrying me again." Brandon says adding the last bit with fear in his tone.

"I wouldn't think twice about marrying you." I reply with a smile on my lips. I see the fear lift from Brandon and he smiles as well.

"I am sorry for-"

"I'm pregnant." I say interrupting Brandon. His eyes rise to his hairline and he looks to my stomach, he reaches forward and places his free hand against it.

"Are you serious?" He asks in a quiet voice.

"Yes." I nod to Brandon. Instantly his arms around me and he sobs into the crook of my neck, I gently run my fingers through his hair. 

"I am going to be a dad." He mumbles into my neck. 

"And I am going to be a mum." I reply cupping his cheeks and I bring him out so I can look at him face to face.

"I love you so much." Brandon says before placing his lips against mine. I don't think twice about kissing him back. The world works in mysterious ways.

_ _ _ _ _

Three Years Later.

I sit on the bench outside in my back garden, my eyes staring at the man and boy who ran around the grass playing soccer. A smile makes its way onto my lips when the boy scores a goal by kicking it between his father's legs. The little boy runs away giggling and squealing as the man chases after him shouting, 'the tickle monster is coming after you.'

"Mummy, help me!" The little boy shouts as he runs towards me. He climbs up the steps as fast as he can and jumps onto my knee, his face hiding in my chest.

"What's wrong?" I asks fixing him on my knee so that we are both comfortable. Caden moves out of my neck, but holds tight onto me.

"I scored a goal on daddy and then he said the tickle monster is after me." He tells breathing in and out deeply. I look to Brandon behind him and I throw him a smile, he returns the smiles and leans against the wooden deck rails. 

"I don't see any tickle monster." I tell looking back to Caden who still sits on my knee. He gasps at my words and turns around to face Brandon. 

"Daddy killed the tickle monster." Caden cheers clapping his hands. Brandon laughs at him before climbing up the steps and grabs Caden into his arms, he rests him on his side before sitting beside me on the bench.

"I sure did, buddy." Brandon nods and grasps my hand into his, his thumb drawing circles on my skin and I smile at my husband beside me.

"Yay." Caden grins leaning forward and hugs Brandon. Brandon laughs at his sons actions and hugs him back.

"I'll always protect you buddy, you and mummy both." Brand tells looking at me over Caden's shoulder. 

"I love you." I whisper leaning forward and press a kiss on Brandon's lips, he kisses me back with a smile coming through.

"Eww, mummy and daddy kissed." Caden shouts covering his eyes with his hands. Brandon and I both laugh at our beautiful and start to tickle him, his giggles and laughs have me smiling at him. I look over to Brandon and my smile can only grow wider. We are on perfect smile and I can't ask for anything else in the world.

A/N: Requests are still open, so if you'd like one drop a comment or message me.


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