#111 - Marc Andre Fleury - #29 Vegas Golden Knights

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"Listen up," Coach Sullivan shouted as he entered into the dressing room, the boys and I look up from our stalls and wait for him to continue on with his speech.

"Today we have our new goalie joining us, his name is Marc-Andre Fleury so please make him feel welcome into this team. We are family and families welcome anyone, if I find any one of you has been horrible towards him I will make you do extra of everything in practice." Sullivan told looking to each one of us, I nodded to him and turned back to getting ready for practice.

"Have you any idea what this guy is like?" Connor asked when Mike left the room. 

"Nope, let's just hope he is as good as what Sid says." I sighed pulling my helmet on and exited the dressing room with a couple of my sticks in hand, I came into the rink area and got onto the ice. I noticed I'm not alone and skated over to the guy who sat on the bench, he wore goalie pads and had a goalie mask sat next to him, he must be our new player. 

"New?" I asked as I came up to him, he looked up to me and flashed a cheeky grin.

"Yup, the names Marc-Andre but call me Marc, darling." He replied cockily, I rolled my eyes at him and took a drink of my water. 

"Who are you?" Marc asked standing up and got onto the ice beside me, I sat my drink down and put my glove back over my hand.

"Candice Y/L/N, one of your assistant captains." I replied back to him, I gave a forced smile and skated away from him. 

"You're very pretty Candice, why do you play hockey when you could be doing something else?" Marc said as he came behind me, I rolled my eyes again at his comment. Every guy asks this question, it gets annoying. 

"Because I want to play, does that answer your question?" I concluded turning back to face him, he had a cocky grin on his lips and I want to slap it off him.

"Go on a date with me." Marc announced skating beside me, again I rolled my eyes. 

"No." I said back. 

"Why not?" 

"Because I said no."

"Is it because I'm ugly?"

"No, I just don't want to go on a date with you." I told skating off when I saw Sid coming onto the ice, I sighed and began to converse with him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Marc staring at me with an angered look in his eyes, when he caught me staring he turned around and began to have a conversation with the goalie coach. Somehow I felt happy that I have made him angry and hopefully jealous.

_ _ _ _ _ 

After practice I entered the dressing room to find Marc sitting in his stall, he looked up from untying his skates and smiled a cheeky grin at me as I walked over to my stall.

"You know, Coach S has told me to tell him if anyone doesn't make me feel welcome and quite frankly, I don't feel welcome when you're around." Marc said looking at me with mischief in his eyes, I stared at him and waited for him to continue.

"I won't tell him, on one condition." He grinned at me, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"And what is that condition?" I asked already knowing what he is going to say.

"Go on a date me with." Marc concluded. 

"No." I replied back to him with my original answer. Marc sighed and looked at me like he is studying me, I ignored him and continued to untie my skates.

"Let's make a bet." Marc spoke out. I looked up to him from my feet and gave a sigh, he isn't going to let this go.

"On what?" I asked pulling my skates off and hung them on the rack.

"If I am to get two shutouts in my first few games, I get to take you on a date." Marc told dressing himself in his street clothes.

"And if you don't, what happens?" I asked genuinely interested in this bet he is proposing.

"I will stop asking you out." Marc smiled looking back at me, I watched as he sat down and put his shoes on. 

"Are you serious? Or are you just playing?" I wondered taking my hockey pants off.

"Dead serious. See you tomorrow Candice." Marc called as he exited the dressing room, I let out a large sigh as he left but a smile crept onto my face when I thought about him taking me on a date. 

_ _ _ _ _ 

(First shutout)

I watched as Marc made another save with his pads, I silently let out a sigh whenever he made the save but in my mind I cheered as he came one game closer to taking me out. When the game finally came to an end the boys and I jumped off the bench and headed over towards Marc who just recorded a shutout, as I came over to him he grinned when he saw my eyes meet his.

"Only got one more game to go Candice, you like steak? Everyone likes steak so I guess you do as well, I'm just wondering where I should take you when I grab another shutout." Marc winked at me as I patted his head with my glove, I rolled my eyes and laughed at him.

"Keep dreaming Fleury, you're gonna let in a goal tomorrow." I retaliated skating beside him as we headed for the Pens dressing room.

"Nah, I don't think so. I gotta take a pretty girl on a date." 

_ _ _ _ _

(Second shutout) 

It is in the finally minute of play in the period and both teams are tied 0-0, I sat on the bench bouncing my leg as I kept looking between Marc in net and the play currently being played in the Flame's end. Sid passed the puck over to Connor who juggled the puck for a second and then sent it back to Sid, he lifted his stick and shot the puck which found the back of the net. I jumped up along with the rest of my teammates and cheered, I looked over to Marc who is looking back at me with a smile on his lips, when he caught me staring at him he winked at me.

The game finally came to an end with Sid scoring the only goal and Marc recording a second shutout, which means he is taking me out of the date. Thinking about it now it doesn't seem that bad, I don't know why I said no, it may have been because the other countless guys asking me out as well. I jumped over the boards and skated over to Marc with the rest of the boys, I stayed at the back of the line and when the boys finally congratulated Marc it is only us two now.

"Good game." I told patting Marc on his head, he smiled and tapped my butt with his stick. 

"So Ms. Candice, I believe I owe you a date for winning two games without having a goal scored on me." Marc said confidently as we skated over to the bench.

"Don't remind me." I chuckled, rolling my eyes at how cocky and confident he is.

"Aw come on, I know you're excited." Marc sang as we came to the dressing room door, Marc stopped me from entering. 

"What?" I asked looking back to him.

"7 or 7:30?" Marc grinned looking at me, his cheeky grin prominent on his lips.

"Hmm 7." 


"Sure, tomorrow."

"I'll miss you till then." Marc chuckled pushing the door opened and held it open until I entered.

"I'm sure you will." I retorted smiling back to Marc, he winked at me as we walked into the dressing room. 

A/N: HaileyPags9300 The ending totally sucks but here you go. I hope you enjoyed it! 


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