#189 - Duncan Keith - #2 Chicago Blackhawks

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I nervously tap my foot against the tiled flooring on the bathroom floor. I chew on my nails as the nerves fill my body while I wait for the answer of the tests. What if it's negative again? We've been trying to have another child for five years now and every time I think I'm pregnant, it turns out I'm not. Maybe I'm only suppose to have one child and no more, I've always dreamed of having multiple children to love but as of now I only have one. I love my daughter with every beat of my heart but I fear she's bored and always asks for a brother or sister, so far I haven't been able to give her another sibling. Duncan tells me not to worry, that we'll have another child one day, but I'm worried that it may never happen.

The bathroom door knocks and I lean across to open it, Duncan walks in and looks at me softly. He raises his eyebrow and I shake my head, I show him the timer and there is thirty seconds left before I can check the tests.

"The agony." Duncan sighs and sits down beside me. He pulls his knees to his chest and holds them, he stares at me and gently sighs again.

"Don't be so worried, if it's negative we'll keep trying until we've another child and if we never have another one, there is always adoptions we can look in to." Duncan says unraveling his arms and pulls me into a side hug. I take a deep shaky breath as I lean my head against my shoulder, I can feel my body shake gently with the fear and worry. I don't think I can take another negative, maybe there is something wrong with me and that's why I can't get pregnant again. The timer on my phone goes off and I freeze against Duncan, I don't think I can look at the result.

"Want me to look at it?" He asks. I nod and move off Duncan's shoulder, he stands up and grabs the multiple pregnancy tests off the counter. I look at my hands and pick at my nails, I can't look at Duncan if it's negative. I feel Duncan slide down the wall beside me, his hands grasp mine tightly and he squeezes them.

"I hope Grace is up to having another brother or sister around because you're pregnant" Duncan whispers in my ear. I feel my body go into shock, my heart thumps harder and I turn to Duncan with tears growing in my eyes.

"Are you serious?" I whisper with wide eyes. Duncan grins widely as he nods, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the pregnancy tests. He hands them to me and I shakily hold them in my two hands, I lower my gaze to see all three tests have two lines. I'm pregnant.

"I'm pregnant." I say in disbelief.

"You are, we're having another baby." Duncan says happily holding onto my shoulders. I gasp and smile, I'm pregnant again. I wrap my arms around Duncan and sob happy tears into his neck, Duncan wraps his arms around me and soothingly whispers calming words into my ear. I can't believe I'm pregnant again, after five years of trying and trying Duncan and I are finally going to have another child.

_ _ _ _ _

"I keep having this weird pain in my lower back." I sigh and press my hands against the lower part of my back.

"Lie down if it hurts." Duncan says looking at me. I shuffle on the couch and groan when the pain gets more painful. I'm now closing in on fourteen weeks pregnant and it feels weird having another baby growing inside of me. I completely forgot what it was like to be pregnant, it has been five years since I gave birth to Grace and I thought that I would have had more children by now but I haven't. Now I'm pregnant again hopefully I'll have another one after baby Keith number two is born.

"I think I'll go lie down, are you OK to make Grace her dinner?" I ask as I stand slowly from the couch.

"Yes, now go lie down." Duncan nods and falls to his knees, he rests his hands against my stomach and leans forward. "Be good for mummy, don't hurt her too much now little one."

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