#144 - Connor McDavid - #97 Edmonton Oilers

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It is the plus sign that stares back at me menacingly. Oh how a little symbol can mean so much to a woman, how it can alter their choices and choices they have yet to make or how it can turn their life upside down or it can mean the start of something good for them. So I as I stare at it I wonder what it means to me, am I happy? Scared? Excited? Frightened? How do I change my life now that I am pregnant? Do I give up my choice of university and opt to drop out? 

That symbol. That plus sign. Oh how it has already started to change my life and yet all it is, is a non moving object that means nothing to others, but for many a life changing moment. 

I quickly swiped the tests off the counter when I heard the door to the apartment open. I walked out of the bathroom and greeted Connor when he walked in, he looked at me as he passed and continue walking into the bedroom with a pissed off look. Sighing I made my way into the kitchen and started to make dinner, I stored the tests in my overly large jumper and washed my hands. I heard the banging off Connor in the bedroom as he changed his actions creating loud noises, I sighed and shook my head before continuing with dinner.

A few minutes later Connor appeared in the kitchen, his face still with an angry look and his eyes glared anything in their path.

"Everything alright?" I asked turning away from the pasta. Connor muffled a grunt in agreement, not wanting to say anything further. I gave a simple nod to him before turning back to the stove.

"Why does everyone think it is on me to win game after game because of who I am? Have they not seen that there are nineteen other members on this team who can play hockey like myself?" Connor sighed angrily. I didn't turn around, but I listened to what he said as he vented out his anger.

"I mean I get it, I'm Connor  freaking McDavid, the future of hockey and the NHL." He said sarcastically. "But have they considered that maybe I don't want all this attention I'm getting? I just want to play the sport that I love, not have the media follow me every day nor have this huge weight of carrying a team on my back that has a huge legacy to live up to. I'm twenty years old, that's a lot I gotta live up to at my age. I just want to live a normal life and chill like most guys my age are doing."

"Connor, you play in the NHL, you're never going to have a normal life." I said softly turning around to face him. I felt the tests move in my jumper and my heart started to beat faster when one slipped out of the pocket. Like as if it were in slow motion, the sweat started to drip down my neck as a test fell slowly onto the ground creating a large noise when it hit the floor with Connor's eyes following it from the moment it left my pocket. 

"What's that?" He asked pointing to the test. I looked down at it, my hands became clammy at the simple question and I hesitated on answering.

"Is that what I think it is?" Connor wondered. He stood up far too quickly, grabbed the test off the floor and stared at it before I could comprehend what was happening. I felt my bottom lip tremble at the sight of him looking even more angry at the simple object in his hands.

"This can't be happening. No, not now. Please, let this be a joke." He mumbled shaking his head and threw the test in the bin. 

"It is all true, Connor. I have more and they're all positive just like that one." I said using my shaking hands to grab the rest of them and brought them out to show him. I held them out in my hands that shook in fear and nervousness, Connor looked down at them in disgust and spoke words that I thought I would have never heard him say. 

"Get out."

"What?" I whispered as the tears flow now. 

"You heard me, get out. I can't have this, I can't have this child. Do you know how this is going to look for me? Me, a twenty year old hockey player who is a father of a child? I'm only in my second season of the NHL, I am at a vital moment in my career and this comes around? No., no. Leave, please leave." Connor told shaking his head as he walked away from me. I let out a sob when he walked out, my knees buckling and I fell to the ground. I held the tests close to my stomach as I cried hard. Connor's movements in the room next to me scared me as I heard the commotion he was creating and I stood up. I grabbed my purse and phone off the counter before exiting the kitchen, I peaked my head in the bedroom and saw Connor walking around with a dufflebag and was putting my clothes into a bag. I choked on a sob and rushed away from him, I reached the front door and swung it open before running out into the chilly night in Edmonton alone.

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