I have Travis Hamonic's autograph?!

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Hello guys, I am so sorry that I have not updated in a while. It's been about a month or so and I do have some reasons, and the main reason is that I have started school again and the class I am taking is an important class for me to have to get into the college I want to get accepted into. Even though it is one class, it's an important class that takes dedication and commitment from me, and so I'm working hard with balancing this class along with important things going on in my life, and writing these imagines for you guys, hopefully I can get a request posted soon. But don't worry, I will get your requests written, it will take some time.

But the main reason why I am writing is little update thing is, if you haven't seen by the photo. I have Travis Hamonic's autograph! What is life?! Can we acknowledge that he spelt my name right?😂 And not to mention he signed it with his number 24? *Slowly dying at the fact I have his autograph*

Being a big Islanders fan, I was upset and cried when I found out that he was traded from the Islanders. And when I heard he was coming to Calgary, I was alright with the fact he is now playing for my hometown team even though I don't support them. But never in a million years would I have thought that I would receive a piece of paper signed from Travis!

I unfortunately was unable to meet him in person as he was at my mum's work again, and with it being his fourth or fifth time going into my mum's work she decided to get an autograph from him for me knowing that he's one of my favourite players. He is the most down to earth man and the most amazing person ever, I am so happy that I have this now.

All I can say is, I'll never be a Flames fan now, Travis😁 Islanders all the way!

Anyways, I hope you guys are well and I will try and update as soon as possible. See you next time!


HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora