~ Chapter 73 ~

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Shoto POV

"Todoroki! Those hero licensing lessons seem harsh to me! Look what happened to your face!" Ochako exclaimed, looking at the bandages on my face with concern.

License lessons. I have been attending them for a while with Bakugou. I'll have to continue to attend them for a few more months until I am eligible to obtain a license. To be quite honest, I am not a big fan of these classes. Gang Orca constantly scolds me for reasons I cannot understand. He's made us do some horrendous things which have led to heavy bruises on our faces.

I looked behind my shoulder as Ochako and Midoriya talked to me about my injuries. They seemed worried but I wasn't listening to them. I could see Bakugou a few meters behind us. After the incident with the kids, we had to report to the licensing school a few times. Bakugou hasn't been a fan of that. His disdain for his current situation is clearly evident on his face.

Why isn't he with Nora? They're supposed to be friends, right? I haven't seen her since Friday.

"How much longer will you be training, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked and slightly pulled me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not sure. I'll be there for a while for sure though." I muttered uninterestedly, looking towards the classroom door. We were waiting outside the class since there was still time till first class. Mr. Aizawa was standing beside the door, with a clipboard in his hands. He seemed to be doing something instead of sleeping. That is actually quite surprising.

"Good luck with that, Todoroki!"

"You can do it!"

Both of them are so bright.

I tried to put a small smile on my face to make them happy. The smile, however, didn't last long when I caught a glance of the person I didn't want to and wanted to see. She wasn't walking like she owned the school and definitely wasn't taking selfies with a lollipop like she usually does.

The pace of her walking was slow and she looked as though she was lost in thought. I noticed the way she had her hand on her arm and the way she rubbed it as if she was cold. She seemed to be a completely different person just by the way she folded into herself.

Nora stopped walking when she stood in front of Mr. Aizawa. He didn't look at her, but he was definitely aware of her presence. His hands were scribbling something on a piece of paper and eyes scanning the document in front of him.

"Mr. Aizawa." She spoke, her lips pursed.

"Yes?" He asked, still not looking at her.

Midoriya and Ochako were also looking at Nora. They both seemed as eager to hear what Nora had to say just as I was. Everyone in the hallway, in fact, was indirectly listening to their conversation.

Nora scratched the back of her neck and inhaled sharply. She seemed to be figuring out how to word what she was about to say.

"Is she alright..." Ochako muttered under her breath so quietly, I don't know if I imagined her speaking.

She had definitely said what I imagined her to say because MIdoriya responded.

"She wasn't in class yesterday." Midoriya spoke, his gaze trailing towards the ground. He had a guilt ridden expression on his face and I wanted to scoff.

Mr. Aizawa. Nora seems to only listen and talk to him these days... Other than Mina and Bakugou. Wasn't he the one to have told me that he was Nora's guardian?

According to the rumors spread about her, Nora was failed to be saved because of Mr. Aizawa. No wonder he took her side back then. He wants to repay her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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