~ Chapter 14 ~

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I silently made my way through the crowded hallway, it was really loud here a few minutes ago... Now everyone seems more calm. They are looking outside. I guess they figured out it was only the reporters.

My claustrophobia started to kick in as I avoided people in the crowd. I needed to get to the back of the school.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm.

"What's up, Mina?" I ask, not even looking behind.

"Here you are!" She exclaimed, jumping in front of me. "I was looking for you."

I look at Mina in question as she places her bag on the ground. "You know, everyone thought villains had attacked, but then Iida managed it and told everyone it was just the reporters. He is over there right now." She says, pointing towards the top of the end of the hallway.

Iida was standing over there in a ridiculous position, trying to figure out how to get down from the top. He reminded me of the person on the emergency exit.

"What a pose... He should be a model." I mumble, looking back down at Mina, who was rummaging through her backpack.

"Ah! Here it is... " Mina began, showing me a crumpled piece of paper. "You had this with you until Mr. Aizawa caught you. But when he asked you to show your hand it was gone!" She exclaimed.

I nod my head slightly already knowing what she was going to ask next.

Mina gets up from the ground and holds my shoulder with both hands. She gives me a huge smile, as the excitement on her face increases.

"How did you do it?"

I look at her blankly. I knew she was going to ask this question, but I didn't really have an answer to it.

I mean, I had teleported the note into her bag by slightly looking at it when Mr. Aizawa had asked me to show me what was in my hand.

This whole note is the reason my day is ruined, but atleast I found out that Aizawa knows about my identity. I don't know if I should be happy about that, I know that he knows or upset.

"I just hid it in my desk when Mr. Aizawa wasn't looking... " I lie, smiling at Mina. "Also, if you're going to ask how it got in your bag, I slipped it inside when you weren't looking."

Mina looks at me with stars in her eyes. Clearly not expecting me to be so quick at hiding stuff.

"You're so cool, Nora!" She exclaims, jumping up and down.

I get a little surprised when she jumps on top of me and starts to hug me. I haven't been hugged in a long time. But when someone just jumps on me out of nowhere, it can be annoying and it invades my personal space.

"Uhm, can you get off me...?" I say, awkwardly giving Mina a pat on the back. I didn't want to appear rude.

Mina giggles before getting off me.

"Oh right! Todoroki was waiting for you, he said he needed to talk to you." Mina starts, the mention of Shoto perking up my interest. "Anyways, when are you going to confess to him. I already know you like him."

Oh yeah, who's going to tell her?

I look at Mina trying to figure out how to put exactly what has happened between us so far.

I guess I have to tell her directly.

"I confessed already-"

"WHAT! Girl you didn't tell me. OMG so are you guys dating now! So exciting, there is already a sweet couple in my class!" MIna squealed, cutting me mid-sentence.

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