~ Chapter 36 ~

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Nora POV

~3 days later~

"Hey Azumi-san!" Midoriya said, walking up to me as I made my way towards UA high. "Today's final exams! I'm really nervous. I heard the practicals are going to be fights with robots, just like the entrance exam. At that time I managed to get 0 points in, yet I still made it because of the extra points. That just makes me more excited because I've become a stronger person in the past few months. I can't wait to use my new way of using my quirk to win. Although, I'm still a little nervous about that. I actually figured out how to use my quirk properly, let me explain- if you weren't paying attention to that earlier- I spread one for-my super strength across my body then try to keep it at five percent. This helps a lot because I needa control the power. If I go above 5 percent I might lose control and break my bones. I'm going to have to take better care of them from now on. How is it going after Chris's death? I see you're doing pretty well. You looked pretty sad 3 days ago when you came back, I'm just checking over you. It's good to see that you've upgraded from a gauze to just a normal strip of bandage. Hopefully that bandage won't cause any disruption during your exams. But... Nora, what's wrong? You look sick! "

I look towards the front of the school blankly, not paying much attention to Midoriya's rambling beside me.

Why do I look sick, He asks?

Well because I felt like eating 3 boxes of ice cream the night before, and also the night before that. So now I have a huge fever and strep throat. I'm clearly not in the mood to have a kind conversation with anybody. Come close to me and I'll give you the cooties.

But me being a kind person, turned to look at Midoriya with a bright smile.

"It's nothing, Midoriya. I just got a little fever before the exams. I have such a bad luck." I sigh, pretending that I actually care about the exams. Midoriya looks at me with pity.

"Oh no..." He sighs, as we turn in on another hallway. "Don't worry much about it, though. I'm confident that a person like you would do amazing on it!"

"Yeah sure..." I mumble, taking my buzzing phone out of my pocket.

An unknown number was calling me...

"I have to pick this up..." I beam, stopping in my tracks as Midoriya continues walking and rambling. "It's my neighbour, they probably have something important to tell me! Go on ahead."

Midoriya smiles at me, nodding his head in agreement. He continues his way to the classroom. I watch as he disappears from sight, taking a left turn to an empty hallway.

"Hello...?" I ask, picking up the phone.

There's a long silence, only to be broken by an annoyed low voiced chuckle and scratching sounds.

"Hey bestie, it's been long. Missing me?" I casually ask, examining my oddly shaped nails as I spoke through the phone. "How was the lip balm, I'll head to the store right after school to get ye' lotion."

"Shut up," Shigaraki grumbles from the other side of the phone. "Your lip balm tasted terrible."

"You ate it...?"

"Forget that, Where are you?" he says with a somewhat suspicious voice.

"Am I supposed to tell you tha-"

"Yes. You're working for me now. I'm your boss. Tell me where you're at."

"Whatever... Boss." I mumble, the annoyance in my voice rising. "I'm in school, Today is final exams. It's 9 AM in the morning, where else would a UA student be on Fridays at this time, Boss?"

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