~ Chapter 53 ~

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"You did what?" Mina asked in a calm voice, sitting on my bed in a relaxed position.

I casually spin on my chair for the hundredth time as Mina looked at me patiently, encouraging me to continue.

"I walked away, without responding properly." I repeat, putting my feet on the ground to stop the chair from spinning.

Mina looked at me blankly as I took another bite of Sato's cookies, which he had made for me.

He wasn't nice enough to make me cookies just like that. I found out that he was the one who set the fire alarm off by accident a few days ago when he burned his cake. To say the least, I threatened him that if he didn't bake a new batch of goods for me every week, I'd tell Aizawa.

Mina scratches the back of her neck in deep thought. She slowly gets up from my bed walking towards me.

It'd been a few days since my training and strict schedule with Aizawa. I've been waking up early and sleeping late since then. I'm pretty adaptable to these things, so I didn't complain. But I was still pretty tired from the lack of the rest.

Most of my free time is spent catching up with my sleep. Although, today I decided to finally spend some time with Mina because of tomorrow's exams. She was the one begging me to hang out in the first place.

Seemingly, here we are, in my room, while I'm sitting on my chair and Mina is standing in front of me with an unreadable expression.

An offended expression forms on my face as Mina grabs the box of cookies from my hand, placing them on the table. She stands in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"You realize how grave of a mistake you made?" She asked, the calm demeanor in her voice striking a nerve in me.


"WHAT THE FUCK GIRL! YOU LITERALLY WALKED AWAY WHEN SHOTO TODOROKI, YES, THE SHOTO TODOROKI CONFESSED HIS FEELINGS FOR YOU!" MIna blurted out, grabbing my shoulders and giving me a harsh shake to knock some sense into me.

"Yeah... kinda. I apologized for walking away like that, before ya know, walking away. But I think he took it as a rejection. Well, at least I don't have to reject him now, because he thinks I already rejected him." I sigh, scratching the back of my neck.

Mina puts the back of her hand on my forehead. I look at her in confusion when she gives me a worried look.

"You don't seem to have a fever, maybe it's something else..." She mumbles, making me scoff.


"Well you're obviously either sick or just crazy to reject Todoroki like that Nora." Mina says, removing her hand. "You've been in love with the guy ever since you came to UA."

I let out an exasperated sigh, moving Mina out of my way as I got up from my seat. I felt her concerned eyes on me as I plopped onto my bed, on my stomach.

"A Prudent Queen once told me to never fall in love." I sigh, grabbing the lion plush toy and hugging it. "Today I realized how true she was..."

"Okay, now you're just talking nonsense. May I ask who this Prudent Queen is?"

"She's just the mom of this brainy brat I babysit." I sigh, flipping over on my back as Mina sat on the edge of my bed. "Can we not talk about that and focus on the fact that I just rejected the guy I love and now he's looking at me with the saddest expression."

"Todoroki doesn't even have any expressions-"

"It's not my fault that you can't read his beautiful face as well as I can." I say dramatically, making Mina roll her eyes.

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