~ Chapter 7 ~

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Aizawa POV

~5 Years ago~

"Oi, Shouta, you go on a head I will come in a few minutes" Yamada told me as he was signing some autographs

Yamada and I had decided to go on patrol together since it was going to be the last day of the year.

I was already regretting this decision. Fans and reporters circled all around Yamada, and it is really annoying me. There are too many people over here. I want to go somewhere more peaceful and quiet.

"Whatever," I murmured, walking away from the crowd onto the road.

Usually there are a lot of villains on the street at this time of the year, however there aren't many right now. Mostly because we are in a less populated area. Not that I'm complaining.

I silently walk towards a more quiet street. It's way more calmer and there are definitely no reporters there.

Keeping my hands in my pockets I start observing the area I am in. Every once in a while a car would drive through. There weren't many people. Definitely an isolated area.

Then I saw her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a young girl running down the street. There was a car coming from not that far away. If this girl continues to run down the street, she could crash.

Without second thought I quickly grab my scarf and use it to pull the girl away from the road.

The girl lands with a huff right in front of me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing! You could have got seriously injured." I scold the girl.

She looked around the age of ten or eleven. She was really skinny, as if she hadn't eaten in months.The girl had brown hair with slightly pink tips. Her body was lean and reminded me of a cat. She was wearing a hospital gown. Now that I had a closer look at her, I noticed she was really shaken.

"Hey, calm down." I say bending down to calm the girl. "Your safe, that's what matters"

I reach my hand out to help calm the young girl. Unexpectedly, the girl moves back from me, as if I were going to harm her. She hisses at me.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I tell the girl.

The girl starts to look around, she stares at one spot, as if she could just disappear from this place.

I look at the girl in confusion.

Panicked, the girl looks down at her ankle. There is a small cuff around her anklet, it looks like a quirk restrainer.

"Why do you have that?" I questioned the girl, reaching out for her leg.

The girl looks at me hesitantly, before showing me her leg.

Now that I could see it properly, I saw that she had bandages all over her leg. She also had some on her arms too. I take a look at the cuff, it's a quirk restrainer and also a taser.

I use the skills I was taught back at UA to break the cuffs.

The girl stares blankly at the cuffs, then back at me. Just as she was about to look behind. I quickly turned my quirk on.

"Don't even think about using your quirk to get away." I scolded the girl. "You're going to tell me what the heck you are doing with this on your ankle." I say, pointing to the cuffs that I just broke.

Out of nowhere, the girl hugs me. Climbing onto me to get to safety.

"Please... help me." The girl cried, her claws holding onto the fabric of my hero costume tightly.

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