~ Chapter 29 ~

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"To be honest, I'm not a fan of the two of you." Best Jeanist said, eyeing Bakugou.

We were at Best Jeanists agency for our internships. The moment I stepped into this place I knew I was going to regret it. Just look at everyones hair! This can't be good.

I'm worried-

Bakugou and I stand in front of Jeanists desk as he gives Bakugou a nice quick talk. We both stare dumbfounded at him.

"I imagine the only reason you chose my agency is because I'm one of the top five most popular heroes, Right?"

"You decided to draft me..." Bakugou says, clearly irritated by Jeanist's calm demeanor.

"Yes! Because I've had little angels, like them." Jeanist says, pointing towards his little dopplegangers."But, you two are the first in a long time who are a bit more ferocious and my job as a hero is to reform people like you."

Excuse me?

He then proceeds to point a finger at me and Bakugou. The two of us involuntarily stood a little straighter when he eyed our outfits. A look of displeasure present on his face.

"Your outfits, first of all... it's... cluttered."


"It's our fucking uniform." Bakugou blurted out, making me look between him and Jeanist in confusion.

"Your uniform is not properly fit, Bakugou. Your hair is messed up and your tie is missing. The buttons on your shirt are either gone or unevenly hooked. And for god's sake, pull your pants up." Jeanist sighs, putting his hand on his head as he shakes it in disappointment.

Bakugou got redder by the second. Not because of embarrassment, but because of anger.

Jeanist's eyes trailed to me, I let out a small chuckle as he examined me.

"What are you wearing...?" Jeanist says. I couldn't tell if he was asking or just stating.

"Um... It's just leggings, under my uniform, no big deal." I beam, crossing my arms.

Bakugou looked at me from the corner of his eyes. He rolled his eyes at me, turning to look to the side in annoyment.

"Your leggings have food imprinted on them."

"They're food emojis. Represents me a little, dontcha think!"

Jeanist lets out another audible and irritated sigh. I look at him with more confusion when he shakes his head at me in disgust.

"You look hideous."


I stare at Jeanist dumbfounded, before letting out a sigh. Crossing my arms, I stood in front of him unbothered.

"I didn't know your definition of hideous is extremely hot and gorgeous." I say innocently tilting my head to the side. "So, you use opposite vocabulary..."

I put my finger on my chin for a deep second as I looked at Jeanist. Smiling slowly to myself.

"Well! If we're using your dictionary, I'd say you look pretty charming yourself!"


Jeanist eyed the two of us, ignoring my comment as he watched Bakugou sulking and regretting life and me standing like a diva in front of him. He goes through a quick thought before speaking again.

"Your week at my agency would be a tough one." He spoke, adequately posing in front of us. "The two of you have a lot to learn."

I raised an eyebrow at Jeanist, trying my best not to hiss at him and turn my eyes into slits. I held in my breath, looking to the side as I waited for him to finish his annoying and boring speech.

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