~ Chapter 20 ~

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Shoto POV

"Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima!" Kaminari yells from near the bus.

Kaminari... That's his name, right?

The only people whose names I know in this class are Nora, Bakugou and Iida. I also just figured out today that the green haired one is named Midoriya, and the redhead is named Kirishima.

I know Iida because he kept introducing himself to me. Which was really annoying in the beginning. Things got worse when he started to encourage me to make friends in the class and be more social.

Then there is Bakugou. Everyone knows him. He's obnoxious, loud, annoying and rude. I will not forget an idiot like him.

Of course, I know Nora's name because she is not someone whose name I could easily forget. The girl is crazy. She's creepy, especially when she smiles at me and her pointy two front teeth show.

We were all told to gather around the bus after the villain attack. All Might had saved us and the other teachers had come to the rescue too. I have no idea what happened to Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen.

A conversation from a distance caught my attention.

"Asui! I heard that you were almost killed by the villain. Gosh, It must be terrifying." Someone says.

"Eh, I guess it was. But what was more shocking and cool was watching Nora save Mr. Aizawa. When the Nomu thing attacked her, there was dust everywhere so I couldn't see anything. But the next second she was gone. And so was Mr. Aizawa. I got worried for a second."

I look at Nora in the distance. She was sitting on a bench, staring off into space. She looked like she was in deep thought. I could tell she looked more distracted from before.

"Everyone, get on the bus." Iida says, pointing towards the bus and making hand signs.

The class gets onto the bus, everyone talking about their own experiences with the villain attack no longer than a few minutes ago. I notice Nora walking towards the bus with an expressionless face. She wasn't talking to anyone at all.

What's wrong with her? Did she really get that scared by the villain attack?

I heard she teleported with Bakugou, so she didn't need to get freaked out about it. Bakugou most likely protected her. Their friends anyway, after all they were sitting on the bus this morning like lovers.

I'm not jealous or anything. It's just that Nora claims to like me, so why is she doing all this with Bakugou.

It's not jealousy at all, it's... it's... annoying?

She told me that she likes me and that she knows me from when we were young. But, I don't remember her at all. I'm starting to think that she is just messing with me.

I get on the bus, taking a seat next to Nora. She's facing the other way and doesn't notice me yet.

Just as I was about to say something, I saw Bakugou coming on the bus. He pauses for a moment when he notices that I am beside Nora.

I stare at Bakugou with a blank expression. Sitting up straighter on my seat. Bakugou glares at me, before walking to the back of the bus to sit beside Kirishima.

I shake my head slightly in annoyance. Sighing, I turn to look back at Nora. Only to see she was looking at me in surprise.

Her slightly surprised face turns into a smile.

I regret sitting here.

"Rawr" She cutely greets out of nowhere. I flinched a little, noticing that she was using her hands to make claw gestures. I awkwardly grab her hands and put them down.

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