~ Chapter 10 ~

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Shoto POV

Coming here was a bad decision.

I have never been to anyone's house, especially not a girl's. Not only do I feel really awkward, but I don't even know what to do.

I decided to come here to find out more about Nora. I don't remember this house at all, i mean how could I? I've never been here before.

Now, I'm actually starting to feel like this Nora girl is playing games with me.

I silently sit beside Benjiro on the sofa.

"Oh! Mr. Shoto, I'd like to thank you for saving me, again" Benjiro says, bowing down slightly. "You know, because of you I decided to change my career path from doctor to hero. Because they are so cool." He blabbed on.

I haven't ever seen Benjiro either. I mean, If I knew someone, of course I would know their siblings. I don't know anyone with a brother named Benjiro...

Maybe I could use this kid to find out about where I met Nora.

"Wait, how old are you again?" I ask the boy, tilting my head a little.

"I'm eight! Basically I'm a big man!" They boy says, spreading his arms out to emphasize big. "I have already thought about my future, which is being a doctor, just like my mother. I have worked hard on it too, I got grades like 90%... but I need to get better then that 90% is too less for getting into a good university. Now that I think about it, I wanna go to UA, just like Nora!!!"

"Eight..." I repeat. "You're pretty old."

The kid nods his head excitedly.

This kid is only eight years old and is already thinking about his future careers and wants to be a doctor just like his mom. I wonder if it would have been the same for me, if it weren't for that bastard of a father. Would I have had a normal childhood and learn to be a hero if he was a normal parent?

"You and Nora are really... different." I say, turning to look forward.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean, that you are the type of kid to actually care about your future and study. Nora is not exactly like you." I remark.

Nora is really different from this kid, I still remember how she wasn't paying any attention in class at all. She didn't even care to take any notes, or listen. She found fiddling with her notebook more interesting. That girl really is negligent.

"Wait, but what does her personality have to do with me?" Benjiro asks, completely clueless.

"Aren't you guys siblings? That's what you said earlier. "

Benjiro looks at me completely dumbfounded.

"We aren't siblings... She is just like a sister to me because she has been my caretaker ever since I was 6. We don't even look alike." Benjiro says, pointing at his hair.

He wasn't wrong, Nora had brown hair and eyes, as for benjiro, he had black hair and blue eyes. Nora also looked like a literal lion in a human form without slits. So that means Nora doesn't have siblings, my plan to ask Benjiro is a flop. But... What about her parents?

"Only an idiot would say we are siblings." Benjiro says, opening a book and scanning the pages.

Before I could react to what the eight year old said, Nora came out of the kitchen.

"I called your parents, they are in a place too far from here to come home, it's going to take them hours. I have to take care of you till then." She says, flicking Benjiro's head.

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