~ Chapter 22 ~

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Nora POV

"Soooo Nora, Who do you think is gonna teach class today?" Mina asks me as we walk in class. "Ya know, after what happened to Mr. Aizawa."

"I don't know. I don't care. I'm here and alive. That's all that matters to me." I mumble, rubbing the top of my forehead.

"Gosh, girl. With that attitude you have, sometimes you make me feel like you're a mini Aizawa." Mina chuckles, earning a glare from me.

It had been two days since the villain attack. Our little school break was over and we had to return to normal boring classes. Pretty disappointing.

Normally, I would enjoy these breaks and actually relax, although the last two day were horrible. The only thing I could think about was the villain attack and my flashback.

I shouldn't really care about it anymore. I mean, what's done, is done. But my darn brain wouldn't even stop thinking about it. Even Shoto noticed my unease. Speaking of that, he now thinks I'm some girl who's scared of villains and just puts a brave face to hide it.

Ugh, I just hope that I will be able to get out of my head with school.

I plop down on my seat, putting my arm on my desk and palm on my cheek as I wait for whoever to come. I keep my eyes on the door as a mummified Aizawa walks into the room.

"Morning." He mumbles, as everyone looks at Aizawa in shock when he casually walks in.

"Sensei! It's good to see that you're alright!" Iida says, waving his hands up and down.

"That's your definition of alright?" I mumble, a smug smile on my face as I look at Aizawa's ugly figure.

"Don't concern yourselves over me." Aizawa says, stepping onto the podium. "After all, the fight hasn't really ended yet."

The class sits up straighter as everyone gets ready for a random fight. I roll my eyes at their energy.

"-the UA sports festival is approaching, boys and girls."

I sigh as the room fills with excitement and concern. Everyone breaks out into small talks and murmurs.

The school sports festival. Another thing in life that I don't care about.

I mean, from what I know of it, students participate in various events to show off their quirks to the world and compete to get first. It's mandatory in order to get a nice internship from top heroes.

Like Endeavor.

I've already made an important decision. One that may change everything. I had decided to do this after a week or so, although now that there is the sports festival, I will just do it after that.

"This is the chance you'll get only once a year... for a total of three chances," Aizawa spoke. "If you aim to be a hero, this is an event you can't overlook."

Everyone gave each other encouraging nods, as they menally prepared themselves for the next two coming weeks.

"One more thing before class is dismissed, " Aizawa says, scanning the back of the class...

Until his eyes landed on me.

"Nora, according to the head office. Your grades are very low." Aizawa says, making me almost trip while sitting. A small chuckle could be heard from Bakugou.


"I don't understand why they are claiming so. I have checked your grades and progress so far and you're doing pretty good. Yet, they still claim that you need to work harder."

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