~ Chapter 65 ~

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"I thought I joined this group so I could enjoy life. Not to waste my money feeding you." I complained, tossing a plastic wrapped sandwich towards Toga as I walked around with a bag in my hands. I was growing frustrated with the situation, and I knew that no matter how much money I gave him, it would never be enough.

"We don't have a choice, Emi." Shigaraki sighed, watching me strut around the room with a bag of food. I stopped and turned around, glancing at Shigaraki with disdain. "You're the only one in the league who the heroes don't know is a villain. Everyone else here is wanted."

"Eww!!! Why are there pickles in this bread and jam sandwich?!" Toga cried, spitting out the bite she had taken.

I cursed under my breath, slowly turning to face her with a look full of apology. Toga looked horrified at the combination of foods, shaking her head.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, Toga. That was supposed to be for Dabi!" I quickly said, putting my hands in my bag to pull something else out for her. "And Shigaraki, the heroes are suspicious of me. I thought I told you that they stabbed me. Which was totally irrelevant! I just want to go and punch the shit out of that little mini-rat.

Dabi let out a chuckle from the side, and I gave him a smug look. I turned around, looking back towards Shigaraki, who sat with his hands together, carefully placed to make sure he wouldn't harm himself. He wasn't really listening to my rant.

I casually chucked a packet of extra extra-hot chips towards Dabi, then handed a better sandwich to Toga. With a sigh, I walked over to Shigaraki and took a seat beside him, not before handing Magne her sandwich. Despite being known for his intense temper and behavior, Shigaraki seemed oddly calm when I joined him.

"Do you like my new villain look?" I asked, posing beside him as he stared into the abyss. "It's inspired by Dabi. Gotta give him credits, eh."

Haha, I actually did copy his outfit. Except I didn't look like a homeless psycho. It wasn't hard to find a white shirt and blue jeans. I just topped it all off with a black jacket. I wanted to show off my fashion prowess and make it seem like I had put in the effort to look different.

Not to mention, my jacket wasn't messed up.

Anyway, I was going to say...

I looked way better. And I don't know, I looked cool and villainy?

"Black is what villains like, hm? That's what I saw in the movies. All those dark and scary characters wearing black sweaters-"

"I like pink."

I turned to look towards Toga, who was sitting a few meters away from us, listening into our conversation. Or rather my conversation with myself.

"Oh? I'm sorry Toga. I'll wear pink next time. Just for you!"

Toga's eyes immediately lit up at my words. She started to bounce excitedly in her spot, looking at me with a cheery smile. She seemed like a 5 year old girl. Her enthusiasm was contagious, and I couldn't help but smile back. I returned my gaze back to Shigaraki. He was still daydreaming.

"What's up?" I asked in a lower voice, giving him a poke in the shoulder.

Shigraki grumbled, and he swatted my hand away, making me chuckle a little at his moody behavior. I put my hands back in my laps, continuing to stare at his lost self.

"What are you looking at?" Shigaraki snapped, looking at me. His glare was intense, almost intimidating.

"Ah, I wasn't really staring... I'm just remembering. When we first talked." I spoke, looking away from Crusty. "You invited me to join the league of villains... that changed my whole life."

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