~ Chapter 47 ~

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I let out a disgusted cough as I tried to vomit the disgusting liquid out of my mouth. I immediately looked around to the place I had been teleported too. Bakugou stood a few meters away from me and the rest of the villain members were farther from us.

I watched Bakugou as the familiar dark feeling rose in my stomach. Bakugou was staring at a man in the distance, who apparently didn't give off a good vibe to him.

"That's All For One... Wow..." I mumble, making Bakugou look at me with anger.

"Shut up you traitor!" He grumbled, getting into a fight stance." There was no reason for you to betray the heroes. I thought you told me that you had a simple objective in life. To get Icy hot and try to live life."

"Betray the heroes... Now did I?" I mumble, actually not knowing what the answer was.

"What the fuck do you mean?"

"Listen Bakugou. You're acting like you hate me at this moment, but I know you still trust me deep in that cute little heart of yours. That's why you haven't screamed my real identity yet. " I smiled, under my mask. Stretching my back and reaching for my legs.

Bakugou raises an eyebrow at me, clearly not getting what I'm trying to say.

"Give me one more chance Bakugou. I owe you an explanation... I know. But trust me... just once more."

Bakugou lets out a tch, before facing the other way once again. There's a tense silence as we both stared at the side, only now noticing what actually lay there.

I stared blankly at Jeanist's limp body which lay a few meters away from us. The immediate feeling of guilt starts to overcome my body.

I should have seen this coming. If All For One was going to show up... I should have known that Jeanist would be no match.

Both of our eyes immediately shot back to All For One as a force from the sky came, only to be easily dodged and sent flying again. Bakugou looked towards All Might in panic.

"Don't worry now... He's not dead yet." All For One spoke, making Bakugou glare at him. "Tomura, go home now... and take this kid with you."

I watched blankly as All For One used his quirk to activate Kurogiri's quirk. I take a deep breath inhaling the air around me.

That smell... Shoto's around.

"Master..." Shigaraki spoke, making me turn to look at him.

"Let's get out of here while we can Shigaraki." Compress says, turning Dabi into a ball.

I immediately turn around on my heels, once again facing Bakugou. Bakugou gave me a dark look as he got into a fight stance. He also looked at the other villains.

He's in a tight spot right now. It's 1 versus 6 plus 1. I'm sure he is still not sure who i'd be fighting against.

Seriously Bakugou... stop thinking so much. Everything is going... exactly how I wanted it to.

Don't understand? Let me explain.

I already know that Bakugou is a person who keeps watch of his surroundings and makes sure he knows everything. That's how he figured about my relationship with Shoto so fast. So... Imagine what would have been going on through Bakugou's mind when I was being dragged away, while Tokoyami and he were being turned into compressed balls.

He was suspicious from that very moment... the moment Dabi grabbed me at the training camp.

I knew that, really well.

When I woke up from the hospital, I saw Kirishima look pretty down. I knew what was going on the moment I saw him. And my beautifully dense Shoto was also with him so that just made me more sure. But just to confirm, I overheard one of Kirishima's conversations with Shoto while I was being discharged from the hospital.

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