~ Chapter 8 ~

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Nora POV

The afternoon sky shines brightly in my face as I close the door to my house. Today there is no school and I have decided to take a little break from work. Only getting bored from staying home for too long doing nothing, I decided to go on a little walk.

I put my hands in my sweater pockets, as I walked around the nearby market.

"Nora!" A voice called.

I turn to see an old man, around his fifties waving at me. He was standing behind a food stall. He was wearing a chef's cap and apron.

I walk towards the man. "Hey, Mr. Mizuki." I say to the man. "Didn't expect to see you here."

"I decided to open a stall here in the market today."

I used to work for Mr. Mizuki at only age 13. It wasn't my only job, but it paid really well. It helped a lot, especially since I got free food. Now, since I got in UA, I don't have much time to work for the restaurant.

"Huh? Where did that boy go?" Mr. Mizuki asked, looking around. "Did you see a boy around here, he ordered soba. He was just here a second ago."

Soba. That's something Shoto likes a lot.

"Oh! There he is! Hey kid, your Soba is ready." Mr. Mizuki called, waving his hands up and down.

I turned to look at the boy Mr. Mizuki was looking at. A few meters away he stood with his head covered in a hood and he was facing the other direction. He didn't move an inch when Mr. Mizuki called.

"He's probably doing something." I say turning around.

Mr. Mizuki sighs, "Well, would you like a bowl of ramen, Nora?"

"Oh, no thanks. I already ate." I say.

I don't eat ramen as much nowadays. Meat is more on my list. Don't ask why.

"So, what brings you here to this market? Do you have another job? You should take some rest from work, kid. You're one of the hardest working out there, a couple of breaks now and then won't hurt." He advised, as he started to take another person's order.

"Yeah, that's what I am doing. But you know that whenever I take breaks, something comes up." I say, shaking my head in disappointment with my luck. "Anyways, I should get going. Don't want to disturb you and your customers."

Mr. Mizuki waves goodbye, as I walk away from the stall.

Many people at this market recognize me. I practically worked in a lot of places here to earn money for getting in UA high. Since I got in by recommendations, I have a lot of spare cash now. It can help for my future.

I watched as kids ran around the market. Playing and having the best time of their lives. It reminded me of my childhood. Or the one I used to have.

I would be lying if I said I don't miss it. It was one of the most precious moments of my life. The moments with Shoto.

Sometimes I can't help but imagine how things would have been if I didn't get kidnapped.

A foul smell comes to my nose as I walk down the market. Is this -

"Fire! THERE IS A FIRE, A KID IS STUCK SOMEONE HELP! CALL A HERO" I hear someone scream from a distance.

Immediately chaos struck as everyone started running and gathering around the fire area.

My chest started to tighten, and breath started to get unsteady, as the smoke filled the air. I need to get out of this place, it isn't good for my lungs.

The heroes can save the kid that is stuck in the fire. It's not like it's that big of a fire, people are literally gathering around it to have a better view.

I started to walk farther away from the crowd so I could get some air. Grabbing my bag, I take out my inhaler.

Just as I was about to use the inhaler, I bumped into someone.

That's when my breath actually went away.

I stood in shock as Shoto Todoroki looked at me. He had the same expression of shock, which later turned to question as his eyes went down to my inhaler.


The inhaler would be too big of a clue. He can't see it now.

"HELP!" A voice from pretty far behind called.

Not knowing what to do, since he had already seen the inhaler. I slowly hide it behind my back. Even if that is useless.

I took notice of his clothes, he was wearing a sweater, the same one the boy at Mr. Mizuki's shop was wearing.

Was he trying to hide from me, back then?


He raised an eyebrow at me, in obvious question for my inhalers.

Not knowing what to do, I used my old way of escaping things.

Turning the tides.

I looked at Shoto's sweater one more time. Making it clear to him that I realized he was trying to hide from me a few minutes ago. A small smirk crept to my face.

Before we could say anything, the voice from behind screamed again.


The voice sounded really familiar. It sounded like-

Turning my head around I pay more attention to who is standing in the fire. I audibly gasp as I realize who it was.

"Benjiro?!" I panicked. Completely ignoring Shoto, I ran towards the crowd.

Pushing the bystanders out of the way I run towards the fire. "BENJIRO? WHAT THE FUCK?"

I watch as the eight year old boy tries to get away from the fire. Visibly failing, since he was surrounded.


What was I thinking? The heroes could save him? Heroes are always late, and have nothing to save but sorry.

Without a second thought I jumped into the fire, beside Benjiro. Taking out my sweater I put it around the boy.

"How are you going to get me out of here? Did you just add on to the problem? I don't want to die!" The boy panicked, clinging on to my leg.

"Shut up, I'm gonna use my quirk." I mumble, looking for a safe area where I could use it. "You're not gonna die."

"Use your quirk, how is you're cat abilities going to help? And how could you be so sure, I'm not going to die!" Benjiro choked.

This kid is so ... ANNOYING.

"Call me cat one more time and I will leave you in this fire alone. " I sigh. "You are with me, and I have been playing hide and seek with death ever since I was young, you know I always tend to win. " I say calmly, taking a look at the surroundings.

"Really!" The kid asks, looking at me with gleaming eyes.

"No, now shut up and let me focus." I say holding the boy closer to my leg.

I have no choice, Shoto is probably watching. He will recognize me if I use my teleportation.

But at least the boy will be safe.

Just as I was about to use my quirk, the surrounding area became extremely cold. And the fire had transformed into something else. 

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