~ Chapter 67 ~

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Bad deci- Horrible decision.

I placed my hand on my knees as another tired breath escaped my mouth. I had been running for miles and my legs felt like jelly. The bird headed classmate of mine was right beside me, his state no different than mine.

"You kids are seriously out of shape." Hawks spoke, looking down at us from the top of the pole he was standing on. "But I really can't compare you guys to me at the same time..."

I hissed, looking towards the man as my eyes threatened to turn into slits. Tokoyami straightened beside me.

"We are doing our best to catch up to you sir." He spoke with an amount of formality I could never muster in a situation like this.

The man looked at us with a smirk, clearly amused by our struggle. I could feel my frustration building up, but I knew I had to keep my composure in order to not trigger the man.

It's funny. I had thought that my time at Hawk's hero agency would be mostly spent by aiding him in getting Dabi's trust. That obviously was not the situation as Hawks is making me chase him.

Earlier this week, Hawks had asked us to give him more information about the Attack on Ua and the hero students. Tokoyami kept repeating everything he knew regarding the league of villains. I had to keep my mouth shut, or if I would have spoken then I would have cussed him out.

Obviously I would have. He's wasting time. He could have easily asked me what he wanted and got all the information out for himself.

And now he's making me chase him like a damn dog.

"Come on. I don't expect anything out of you two but atleast try to prove me wrong." Hawks sighed, yawning as he examined our tired state.

Tokoyami shook beside me. I wasn't looking at him but I could tell that he was angry with the situation. Hawk's chuckled from above, before turning around and looking at the sky.

"Flying high in the sky is like soaring through the clouds like a bird free from the confines of the world below. The higher you reach the more unstoppable you become . The sense of freedom and power is overwhelming. You feel untouchable and invincible. Nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams." Hawks says, his line makes me cringe. His wings extended to the sky , the vermilion wings shining brightly in the sunlight. And with that, he was off in the sky once again.

Great. He's acting like a great mentor by making us chase him. The only thing he is giving me is a topic to cringe about. Chasing a hero is a complete waste of time right now. We could have been discussing ways to get this mission over with and trap the league of villains.

I should have just gone to Endeavor's agency to annoy him. There's nothing I even have against Hawks so I don't have the energy to come up with a plan to harass him.

Wait... there is something.

The fact that he took this mission from my hands.

Tokoyami muttered a curse under his breath. Turning around and running back down the path as he tried his best to catch up with his mentor. I sighed, shaking my head at the effort the boy put as it clearly was going in vain.

Tokoyami has a lot of potential, but he needs to learn how to control his emotions and channel them into his training. If he calmed down a little and figured out a plan, he may as well be able to beat Hawks in a race.

I, on the other hand, do not have the time to race a flying chicken as I have other matters to take care of.

I took out my phone from my pocket, walking in the opposite direction of Tokoyami and dialing a number. As soon as the call connected, I put the phone to my ear and waited for the person on the other end to answer.

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