~ Chapter 31 ~

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The evening wind brushed past me as I walked down the dark path in the middle of nowhere. There weren't many people around. The ones that were didn't care about that one hooded figure walking alone, because mostly everyone was a hooded figure over here.

I don't know where exactly I am, but I am here because I was walking around trying to get some evening air and forget about my conversation with Shoto.

Or perhaps the one sided conversation.

I couldn't tell what Shoto was thinking when I apologized to him. But it surely didn't seem like he forgave me. Not only that, but he couldn't even look at me.

I hope he doesn't hate me now. I did everything I could at that moment to tell him I was sorry. I don't blame him if he's mad at me. I would have been too.

That day, I got mad at Shoto for wanting to be a hero just for proving his father wrong. That's exactly the type of heroes that I hate. Hero's who don't care about saving and just want to be number one.

I know it was wrong of me to say rude stuff to him but I just couldn't control myself. I was desperate, desperate to make sure he doesn't have the mindset which I hate.

I lost control of myself and said way more than I should have... Like when I said that if someone is dead, they are dead.

How did I just say that to him when I can't get over the dead myself?

Damn it. I really messed up badly. For everything.

And I'm sick of it... I'm sick of it all.

Heels clacked as I walked down an empty ally. Too tired to move anymore, I slumped onto the stairs and that led towards the exit.

I came back to UA so that I could reunite with Shoto and be happy again. I did that... but he doesn't recognize me. Partly my fault, but after Shoto ignoring me for a couple days, I've come to wonder...

Am I really happy?

I should be, shouldn't I? There should be no complaining. I'm with Shoto, even if he knows who I am or not.

I am happy...


Yeah, it's true. I am happy. I have Shoto, I've made friends, I'm free from the doctors and the hospital... I'm finally living a normal life just like I wanted too.

So why am I not satisfied?

Even when I am with Shoto- he sits right beside me in class- I still feel so distant from him. And even if I made friends, I don't feel like they really know me for who I am.

And even If I escaped the hospital and all the treacherous experiments they did on me and captured me for... Why do I still feel trapped?

This isn't going how I planned... how I wished it would be. I wished that Shoto would be happy. He isn't. And it's my fault.

He isn't happy because of my death as Emiko... and my return as Nora. Emiko just doesn't seem to leave his mind and Nora only pushes her deeper into his thoughts.

Shoto isn't happy... I have to make him happier.

Perhaps by leaving UA?

I can't do that though... not yet. Not until I finish this-

"What's a young girl doing over here?" A voice spoke, cutting me out of my thoughts.

I didn't turn around as someone sat beside me, it was a man for sure- I could tell by his voice- he sounded like he was in his early twenties.

The man waits patiently for me to respond, only to get none.

"I saw you walking down the dark streets all alone a few minutes ago." He says, placing his arms on his knees as he crouched on the stairs. "This is supposed to be villain territory. Are you a fool or do you just not have a brain?"

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