~ Chapter 40 ~

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Aizawa looked at me annoyed as I stood in front of him, panting from the intense training he was giving me. My eyes were slits and my stomach begged for food.

"You're tired already?" Aizawa sighed, looking down at his watch. "It's only 11 in the morning."

"Yeah, but we started at 5:30 AM" I hissed, looking at him annoyed. "Not to mention, you've been making me train my teleportation too. Which I've never done before."

"Stop slacking and teleport to tree number 31, 9, 23, 29, and 45." He grumbled, watching me as I pinched my eyes shut.

Without much thought I teleported away from him. Tapping the tree numbered 31, then teleporting and tapping the tree numbered 9.

For the past few hours Aizawa has been making me teleport to different trees so that I could improve my teleportation speed and learn surprise attacks and what not.

He's also making me use my lion abilities.

After tapping all five trees, I landed with a slump in front of Aizawa. Falling backwards on the ground from exhaustion.

"I'm... hungry..." I mumble stupidly, putting my hands on my face.

"Your eyes have been slit for the past hour and your hissing more at me. Is that a result of your quirk over usage?" Aizawa boredly asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I thought you would have figured it out already..." I say, getting up into a sitting position. "Just give me some damn food to get me back to my senses, or else I might eat someone by accident."

"Not my fault..." Aizawa said, ignoring my angry huffs. "I'm pretty sure you can control it till the evening. That's the whole point of this training camp... to control yourself."

"Come on Mr. Aizawa... Can I at least have a small break?" I practically begged.

Aizawa stared at me blankly as I gave him cute big cat eyes. Sighing he covers his mouth and nose with his large lump of scarf that was around his neck. The hero looked away from me.

"Fine..." He mumbled, making me beam. "But for your ''break' you will have to do 20 pushups and 6 laps around the forest."

I looked at him dumbfounded. "That... isn't considered a break..."

"Stop slacking around and get to work. Or else we can always continue the quirk training."

I glare at Aizawa before dropping to the ground and starting to do push ups.

His break is just a way for me to increase my strength even more. I have no choice but to agree with what he says. He's my mentor and I have to respect that.

I need to stop complaining so much and work harder for the mission. I have to increase my strength. I've only done limited training ever since I escaped the hospital.

After doing 20 pushups I get up from the ground. Aizawa watches as I start to run to do my 6 laps around the forest.

"Did this first lap in about 15 minutes, Not bad eh?" I smile at Aizawa as I run past him to start my second lap.

I haven't done intense training since my escape from the hospital. That doesn't mean I haven't done training. I've done a lot of hard core training back at the hospital.

I can't just give up right now... I can't complain either...

Because this is nothing compared to that.


For the past two days we had been doing intense training. Not something I really enjoyed. To make matters worse, the food we got at night had to be made by us ourselves. I could only eat about a few bites, it was disgusting.

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