~ Chapter 66 ~

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I let out a barely audible sigh as I walked down the hallway. The chattering of students could be heard all around me, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the noise.

After Shigaraki's encounter with Overhaul yesterday, there wasn't much left for me to do. Shigaraki instructed me to be on the lookout for people who may be willing to join the league of villains. I said I would, but I didn't really mean it. I'll try my best not to let more people get caught in this curse between heroes and villains.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel conflicted about my loyalty to the League. Maybe it was time for me to start questioning my own beliefs and values.

Just kidding.

I scrunch my nose, pulling my phone from my pocket as their chatter grew around me. Turning on the camera, I snap a quick selfie, making a peace sign with my fingers and a completely horrid smile with my face.

"Pretty..." I muttered to myself, looking at the selfie I took. The lighting is good in this hallway. Maybe it's because of that one window at the end of the hall. I should come here again to take selfies and show them to Mina.

I pursed my lips and zoomed in on my eyes. The small smile that was once on my face dropped, and my eyes widened slightly.

My eyes are swollen!

I should really start putting on makeup like Mina tells me. At the very least, it won't be obvious that I am stressed.

Clicking my tongue, I took out a lollipop from my pocket, ripped the cover, and placed the candy in my mouth. I bet that would make me look less stressed.

I should take a selfie to find out-

"Eek!" I suddenly yelled out when I felt someone harshly grab my hand. The strong grip caused my body to turn completely around and my legs to helplessly follow the person who grabbed my arm. If I didn't, then I would be dragged down the hall by the floor.

"What???" I asked, following Katsuki helplessly as he practically dragged me out the other side of the hall.

Before I could get a proper answer, Katsuki let go of my hand—not before pushing me against the wall.

My back hit the wall with a large thump, and I hissed. Katsuki's expression was unreadable as he stood two meters away from me, watching with his arms crossed.

"Look, dude, if you wanna spare a fight right now," I say, taking the lollipop out of my mouth, "I'm currently busy fixing my puffy face. As you can see, my beauty is more important than your-"

"Got no self respect?"

I narrowed my eyes at the puffy haired boy. I raised one of my eyebrows as he let out a laugh that sounded more like a scoff.

"Where were you yesterday?" He asked, and I shrugged, rolling my eyes at him.

"I was doing my hero licensing exam. I passed, y'know."

"Sure you did. And do you know what's been happening while you were busy getting your 'hero licenses?"

"No. I can teleport but I can't see what's going on at two different places at the same time." I shrugged, turning my phone back on and looking at the selfie I had taken earlier.

"Then you surely weren't such an empty headed dumbass not to notice it right now when you were walking around taking selfies like you owned UA." Katsuki says, leaning on the wall, right beside me.

"I don't care."

"You don't care or you pretend to not care? Fake it till you make it? Pathetic." Katsuki grumbled, snatching the phone from my hand. I hissed lightly, extending my hand to take the phone back, but Katuski's hand could reach higher than mine.

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