~ Chapter 45 ~

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I led my way through the dark, unfamiliar alleyway as I walked blindly through the sidewalk. Relying only on the mere location which Shigaraki had sent me through a text message that led to the league of villains hideout.

Of course, I had no idea where the bar was when I first went there, let alone how it looked on the outside. Thanks to Shigaraki using Kurugiri's quirk to teleport me.

I told Shoto that I had to go home for a little emergency. Luckily, he believed me and let me go without any doubts. The hospital also discharged me since I didn't have any major injuries which needed to be monitored.

Yeah yeah, I only fainted because I couldn't breathe. I thought I was dying for no reason. I'm perfectly fine and fit.

Anyways, this is going to be my second time going to the league of villains. I'm pretty sure that most people there dislike me. Since I got in so easily...

Although I'm an official member, I'm still at a huge risk. Especially with that Dabi guy.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of the bar which led to the league of villains. Bakugou is only a few meters away from me. The moment I walk into the bar... I have to make sure I don't look at him.

I pulled my hood closer over my head as I checked one last time if my mask had not unexpectedly fallen out of my face while I got here. Once I was sure I was all set, I opened the door of the bar.

A weird sense of embarrassment came over me as I saw about 7-8 people who were already in the room, stare at the newcomer. Me.

Okay, I was one of the first people to get recruited so the other's better back down-

"Ahh, Emi," Crusty called as he finally realized that I had come. I watched him blankly as the familiar smell of Nitroglycerin reached my nostrils . "Welcome back, my most precious recruit!"

Bakugou's here... in this room.

I stared dumbfounded as Shigaraki happily welcomed me in. Letting out a weird hum I walked into the bar, looking around to see where exactly everyone was and where I could sit.

My eyes expectedly make contact with a specific Broody Man in the corner of the room. Dabi and I look at each other for a tense second. His face was blank, but I could see the malicious look in his eyes. A taunting look, of course, for the disappointing victory he had achieved a few days ago.

He's taunting me... Showing me how much more powerful he is than me and how I'm supposed to be scared of him.

I'm not scared of anyone. Especially not you.

Without missing a beat, I walked towards Dabi, keeping an eye on him as I stood beside him, turning on my heels to face Shigaraki again.

I could see a small smirk plastered on Dabi's face from the corner of my eyes. I tried my best not to let out an annoyed hiss when he shuffles a little closer towards me.

Geez, he smells like a drunkard. I don't want to know what he does in his free time.

"Hey Princess, What's that thing you got wrapped around your neck? Looks good on you." Dabi whispers as he taunts me.

Of course, he's talking about the ugly bandages I got wrapped around my neck, which I got thanks to him burning my neck when he was blocking my air pipes.

I didn't turn to look at him, keeping an emotionless face as I stared forward. My back straight and eyes slightly narrowed towards the wall in front of us.

"You think? I really do believe that the dead skin you've got stapled across your body to keep you from looking like a walking organ is way more aesthetic, no?" I ask, bordley examining the bar.

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