~ Chapter 3 ~

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{Edited and Rewritten}

This chapter was specifically rewritten with dialogue, POV and setting.  

Shoto POV

The usual city sounds of honking automobiles and people strolling home fill the air as I walk down the street with my bag draped over my shoulder.

I turned left down the familiar route, my gaze drawn to a little coffee shop adjacent to the metro station. I made my way towards it, crossing the street when the lights turned red.

Classes at UA had ended about half an hour ago. I had left the moment Mr. Aizawa had said class was over. Apparently a fight had broken out between two students, I didn't have the time to waste to figure out what was happening.

I pulled the door open with my hand on the chilly metal handle, taking a step inside. A little bell rang, signifying my entry into the small building. To my liking, there weren't many people in the building. I approached the counter, gazing at the menu displayed on the television behind the counter.

Even if it was my first day, I had expected more of a test than that simple assessment. Although everything was practically simple to complete, I still came second in the whole class.

Isn't that just pathetic?

Once the lady behind the counter gave me my order, I took a seat at one of the tables. I placed my coffee on the table, staring at it blankly. My eyes focused on the design of the lid and the smoke that came out of it.

That's weird. I thought I ordered Iced tea.

Not paying much mind to it, I let out an exasperated sigh. I never knew something I've been preparing for years could leave me feeling unprepared and tired at the end of the day.

This is just the beginning, though. I can't get tired of trying to be a hero on the first day of school. I need to be strong and be able to fight. I need to be a hero with only my ice side. For mom.

And for Emiko.

I placed my hands on my scar at the memory, trailing it with my finger tips. I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

'GET UP. You won't be able to defeat third grade heroes let alone All Might if you get knocked down by a hit like that.'

'Please Enji. He's only 8.'

'Yes, he's already 8. So get out of my way.'

I wasn't listening to their conversation, because the only thing that flashed in my eyes back then was the look of fear peeping through the door of the training room. The girl with a small round face and bubblegum pink hair was looking at me from afar, too scared to interfere.

"Um... Hellloooo??"

I snapped my gaze up and stiffened when I felt someone place a hand on my shoulders. I looked behind me to see a girl looking at me from over my shoulder. She pursed her lips at me, tapping her foot relentlessly. One of her hands was neatly behind her back, while the other was on my shoulder.

"What?" I asked, keeping a cold stare at the girl.

"You alright?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in slight concern.

I stare at the girl blankly. I wasn't even doing anything to make me seem like I wasn't alright. I was just staring at my drink and thinking.

I clicked my tongue, smacking the girl's hand away from my shoulders. She let out a light chuckle at that action, so faint I don't even know if she actually did it.

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