~ Chapter 9 ~

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There is a long silence as my eyes look at the ice which was once fire. Already knowing who made this ice, my eyes caught Shoto's. A small smile crept to my face.

The crowd immediately gathered around Shoto, praising and asking him questions. Not a single person even turned to look at me or Benjiro to make sure we were safe. Society nowadays, it's just too stupid.

Picking Benjiro up I trudged my way away from the crowd. Setting him down on a nearby bench.

"Show me your arm." I hiss, clearly not in the mood for any drama.

Benjiro showed me his arm, there wasn't any signs of serious burns. Just a few minor ones here and there. I could heal them at home.

"Want to tell me what you're doing here, alone?" I snarled at the boy, my jaws clenching in anger.

"Father got me another caretaker for today. I don't know where she went... " Benjiro gulped, fidgeting with the cloth of my sweater that I gave him.

I sigh. "One day, I'm not here with you and this happens."

"Oh! She is there! The caretaker!" Benjiro yells, pointing his finger towards the crowd.

Turning around, my eyes land on a girl, she is trying to get behind the crowd. Her palms are sweaty and she was clearly avoiding my gaze.

Keeping my eyes at the girl, I glared at the girl. My nails turned into claws and eyes into slits. Finally, she looked at me, gulping in fear. She disappears in the crowd.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to look back at Benjiro. "I thought you were a smart kid," I mumble, grabbing my bag.

I searched through the contents of my bag "Where did I put it?" I murmured.

"Are you looking for this?" A voice, which I clearly recognized, said from beside me.

Shoto raised his hand in front of me. On his palm sat my inhaler, which I, by the way, have no idea how he got.

"You dropped it when you went running for the kid." He said, not making eye contact.

Before I could even utter a thank you, the whole crowd surrounding us.

"Hey, Kid! You alright?"

"You were pretty amazing girl. Are you his mom or something?" A woman asks.

Is this lady for real?

"Do I look like a mom?" I snapped at the woman, in offence.

"She's my sister!" Benjiro called.

Before I could argue, someone grabbed my arm. "You got burned a little, do you need a hospital!"

"I am perfectly fine, please don't touch me." I say dusting the hand off me.


"I don't need a damn hospital!" I repeat, grabbing Benjiro's hand. Pulling him with me, I moved out of the crowd.

There is no fucking way I am going to a hospital.

Turning around I look at Shoto. "You coming?" I ask the boy, my tone completely different.

Shoto stands quietly for a moment, before walking up to me. Without a second thought I take Benjiro with me to one of the places in the market where very few people know about.

There is barely anyone here and the ones who are, haven't gotten news about the small fire that started.

"Thanks for saving me and Nora!" Benjiro beamed, raising a hand for Shoto to take.

For real, this kid just survived a fire. How is he so formal?

Shoto awkwardly takes Benjiros hand. Turning to me he immediately glares. "What the heck were you thinking?" he hissed.


"Barging into the fire like that, you didn't have a plan, and you could have gotten seriously hurt!" His face was getting red in anger.

I looked at Shoto blankly, not knowing what to say. If I told him I already was planning to use my quirk, then he would get suspicious and ask questions. He has already seen my inhaler, I won't be surprised if he is already questioning that.

"Sorry," I sigh.

Shoto stared at me, his face was straight but his eyes pierced through my soul.

"Um, Why don't you come to my house." I invited, scratching the back of my neck.

Shoto's face immediately turned pale at my request. Of course, after all he thinks I'm crazy.

"Wait, it's not what you think it is, I mean, as a thank you, for saving this brat." I quickly said, putting a hand on Benjiro's head.

Benjiro looks between me and Shoto, a small smile on his face.

"Thank you, sir. You also saved Nora too. Are you a prince?" He asks, putting a finger on his cheek.

"No, I'm not a prince, my name is Shoto Todoroki." Shoto said with his all too famous poker face.

"Oh, but you are like a prince, because you saved Nora. When's the marriage?" He giggled, jumping up and down.

Sometimes I forget he is only eight.

"Shush, Benjiro." I say, putting my finger on my lip. "There are other levels that come before marriage. First we need to be childhood best friends, then start liking each other, then we date. After that we fall in love, grow up together. And finally get married."

Benjiro looks at me with litteral stars in his eyes. I wasn't paying much attention to him.

I could see Shoto staring at me through the corner of my eye, it looks as if he is trying to figure something out.

"We are not going to get married." He fumed, clenching his fists.

"Yeah, right." I mumble, looking the other way.

"What did you say?"

"What did you hear?"

"I heard you saying something."

"I think I said something."

Shoto stares at me blankly, clearly confused with where this conversation was going.

"Forget all this, Shoto, come to my house." I smiled.

"I'm not interested in you-"

"Oh come on dude, for the kid" I snapped. Realizing I was a bit too harsh. I lowered my voice a little. "Please."

Shoto stared at me as I made cute eyes, and Benjiro joined me in the back.

"Fine," He sighs. "Nothing could go wrong... I hope." He mumbled, being particularly quiet at the end of his sentence.


Unlocking the door of my house, I opened the door to my small house.

Will Shoto like my house? What if he thinks it is ugly? it's not his level, I am going to look too broke for him? He probably thinks it's ugly. Wait, I look horrible right now. I just survived a fire, there is most likely ash on my face. I need to go clean up.

"This place is surprisingly nice... " Shoto mumbled, looking around. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

"I know right, I always love hanging out at Nora's house. She has a lot of books... " Benjiro chimed in.

Placing my bag on the sofa, I went into the kitchen.

"I'm calling your parents... " I mumble, grabbing the phone. "They need to know what happened back at the market."

Turning around I look at Shoto. "Feel free to look around Shoto, just imagine it as your own house." I beam.

Shoto is quiet for a second, looking at my face. He is probably looking at the ugly marks of ash.

"Don't call me Shoto." was all he said, before turning around and walking out of the kitchen. 

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