~ Chapter 37 ~

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I don't really like this chapter but here it is I guess.  

"Team Todoroki and Azumi VS Eraserhead. Begin."

Shoto led the way through the deserted town where we were supposed to track down Mr. Aizawa, and I followed him slowly.

"Use your quirk to make sure Aizawa isn't around." Shoto says, looking behind at me as I sloppily walked behind him.

"Won't work... I have a mutant quirk."

"I'm pretty sure Aizawa can erase those too."

"Not mine."

Shoto gives me a slightly perplexed look before sighing in response to my shrug. He keeps moving forward. He made some small flames with his left side.

I remembered the time when Shoto finally used it during the sports festival as I watched the flames dance around his arms.

"Ou, your flames!" I mumble, making Shoto turn to look at me. "Remember when you were about to use it during the sports festival. The first person you looked at was me when you did. How cute. Not to mention I saw you smile, even though that smile of yours was pretty creepy. Speaking of which I forgot to mention earlier but... you've changed your hero costume... Thank Lord."

"You never miss a chance to make a comment, do you?" Shoto scoffs, rolling his eyes at me.

"Mhm, So what's the plan?"

"You can distract Aizawa while I run for the exit. My ice can help me move faster."

"Nah, I think I should be the one to run. After all, I've always been good at Parkour."

As I watch Shoto's flames slowly extinguish, the smile on my face slowly disappears. The same thing is noticed by Shoto.

"He's here!" Shoto says, warning me as Aizawa jumps towards me.

I leap to the side and duck to the ground as Shoto kicks Mr.Aizawa away from me without giving it much thought. Aizawa dodged easily and threw a scarf in my direction.

"You guys should have already had a plan before starting." Mr. Aizawa says, as I roll to the side avoiding another one of Mr. Aizawa's scarves.

Damn, Why's he after me?

"Nora, run!" Shoto shouted, trying to do another ~not so cool~ move to stop Mr. Aizawa.

I rushed toward one of the buildings and climbed on top of it before Mr. Aizawa could attack me again. Mr. Aizawa makes the decision to ignore me and follow Shoto instead.

I somersault as I land after leaping over another house. I keep running, jumping, and climbing for the next few minutes, trying to get as far away from Aizawa as I can. I heard Aizawa's loud footsteps a few meters behind me just as I was about five minutes from the exit.

He had already apprehended Shoto.

"Some sorta ninja move?" I mumble, looking behind me as Aizawa runs on literal wires.

As Aizawa gets closer to me, I flip over another obstruction. I can't possibly finish at this rate.

I have to succeed this test, for crying out loud.

I have to earn the league's trust. I almost gave everything up for it. Making Shoto reject me, forgoing my own plans, and remaining at UA I made every effort to be a spy.

What am I aiming for?

My future.

Only if I defeat Mr. Aizawa and gain the league's trust can I acquire that. No matter the cost, I must complete this. Even if it means applying the hospital's training.

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