~ Chapter 15 ~

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I study the area around me. Shoto had taken the subway with me to go to some important place. The whole subway ride, he was quiet. He didn't even utter a word.

I didn't expect us to come here, out of all the possibilities I thought about where we might be going, this was the last on my list.

We stand in an empty street right in front of the cemetery.

How am I supposed to react to this?

Shoto takes a small gulp before turning to face me. I quickly changed my surprised look to a poker face.

"You can, uh... wait here... " He says, his voice slightly trailing off.

Giving him a small nod of approval, I take a few steps back. Just as Shoto was about to leave, a voice called from behind.

"Shoto?" A girl says in slight surprise. She had grey hair with a little bit of red streaks. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she was wearing glasses.

My heart skips a beat as I watch Fuyumi Todoroki come in front of us. She looks way older than when we were kids. Much more mature and beautiful.

Stop! I need to control my emotions.

Trying to appear normal, I look at Fuyumi in question. Acting like I don't know her and never seen her before.

"I didn't expect you to come here. I just came to meet Emiko, I bought her favourite flowers too..." Fuyumi uttered, stopping mid sentence when she finally noticed me.

I shuffle nervously on my feet as Fuyumi examines me. "Hi, My name is Fuyumi, I'm Shoto's older sister."

"This is Nora." Shoto says, before I could open my mouth to answer.

Without saying a word, I wave my hand to say hi. I had to control my mouth. If I opened it, I guess I would just blow my cover with my stupidity and emotions.

Hey Fuyumi! Remember me? We used to play basketball together. You also taught me how to cook, except I used to mess up really badly and almost blew up the kitchen like every time. You know I learned how to cook properly now that I live on my own. How is Natsuo? Is he doing well? Does he still hate Endeavour a lot because of what happened to T-

I get pulled out of my thoughts when Fuyumi comes close to me and pulls me into a hug. I should have expected that. She hasn't changed much.

"Hey! Are you Shoto's first friend at UA! It's nice to know he is finally making friends out there." She beamed, squeezing me tighter and almost suffocating me.

"Uhhh, Yeahh." I mumble awkwardly.

Fuyumi lets go of me after a few seconds. I take a minute to catch my breath.

I don't really like hugs, but I guess my opinion is different when it comes to Fuyumi.

"We aren't friends, She just tagged along." Shoto says, rolling his eyes.

Is he serious? He doesn't consider us friends. Ouch.

"Nah, we aren't friends, we're more than that." I say under my breath.

"What did you say?" Shoto questions, glaring at me as I chuckle sheepishly.

"What did you hear?"

"I heard you say something."

"I think I said something."

Shoto gives me the look that he wasn't in the mood for any of my drama, or being confused. Shaking his head at me he turns to look at Fuyumi.

"Ahem," He says, avoiding eye contact with her. "I can take those flowers, so you don't have to do the work."

Fuyumi is quiet for a second. She gives Shoto a small smile of pity and a nod of approval.

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