~ Chapter 69 ~

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3 weeks later

"Okay so first you guys were living in an abandoned bar, then an abandoned warehouse... and now... an abandoned... truck." I say, crossing my legs as I leaned back on my hands.

"Your complaining never stops, Princess." Dabi said from behind me. "If you weren't living a perfect life with everything served to you by heroes, you wouldn't be complaining."

I inhaled sharply, feeling the wind hit my face as I turned my head to look towards the road. Spinner was driving the truck while Compress, Dabi and I sat in the back. Shigaraki was sitting on top of the truck.

"Yeah. It's such a blessing." I muttered in annoyance. "Where are we going anyways?"

"You'll find out when the time comes." Dabi answered shortly.

Compress was on the phone with presumably Toga. I couldn't really tell. They were talking about heroes. He also said something about the Shei Hassaikai.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

I cocked my head to look at Dabi. The wind was also brushing against his face, causing his hair to fly back smoothly. His shirt rises slightly, revealing some of the scars on his stomach.

"About what?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the scars of his body.

He has much more than I had expected. His whole body is covered with dead skin. Only a small amount is his normal skin. How did he burn himself that much?

And even if he did... How did he survive?

The moment Dabi realized that I was watching his abdomen , he squatted down beside me and drew me out of my thoughts. Looking at his face, I notice that he has a smirk on his face, which does not surprise me at all.

"Heroes attacking Shei Hassaikai to rescue that girl." Dabi says, not breaking eye contact with me.

"They attacked Shei Hassaikai? Damn, good for that Yakuza guy I guess..."

So Mr. Aizawa did it.

He's gotten into the Shei Hassaikai facility.

And they've saved the girl.

I don't really know what to think right now.

Mr. Aizawa was very serious when he said that I won't be taking part in the rescue mission. He didn't update me with anything that was going on and even took away my name from the list of members in the mission.

Dabi looked at me for a long moment, his gaze trailing over the features of my face. While he stared at me, I did not look away from him, allowing him to take in every detail of my face.

If I was nervous or lying, I'd look away. If I make extreme eye contact... I'd be nervous or lying. If someone examines your face after you've lied... they probably are trying to intimidate you.

Just make the lie a truth in your brain.

"You have a pretty face, Princess." Dabi muttered, his smirk growing more mocking. "I wouldn't want to destroy such a beautiful thing, so try not to lie to me."

I didn't say anything to him, keeping my mouth shut as he analyzed me for any signs of nervousness or hesitancy. His gaze moved slowly from my left ear to my eyes.

There was a tense silence as he continued to look into my eyes. Instead of me faltering, I noticed his face scrunch for a split second. His pupils widened slightly, which piqued my interest.

Dabi quickly moved his gaze away, leaving me confused. He shook his head slightly as he looked to the side.

What the heck was that?

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