~ Chapter 39 ~

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Present day

Where... Do I sit?

I mean there's no way I could sit with Shoto, and of course I can't sit with Bakugou either because that would just make Shoto think that I've already moved on from him, when I haven't... but I need to make sure that Shoto thinks I'm over him, when I'm actually not over him.

You know what? Forget it. I'm sitting alone in the first seat.

I plop down on my seat as everyone starts to gather into the bus. Each person is sitting with their friends and whatnot .

I could feel a certain half and half boy's eyes on me as he got on the bus. Shoto and I exchange glances before he walks to the back of the bus and sits with Aoyama.

"Move your bag, Nora. I'm sittin' beside you." Mina exclaimed, the moment she walked on the bus.

So much for sitting alone.

Before I could even move my bag from the seat beside me, Mina grabbed it, and threw it on my lap. She sits down with a smile on her face.

"Can't avoid me now can ya?" She exclaimed, the smile on her face growing.

"I wasn't ignoring you." I mumble, watching her as she takes out lipstick from her bag.

"Of course you were, Nora. I'm not dumb." She says, looking at me with a serious expression. "And I know something has been up with you for the past few days. Sure, It may not be Todoroki but I'm your best friend Nora, I can tell."

I chuckle slightly at Mina's way of trying to figure things out. Smiling, I look towards the front.

"It's nothing, Mina. Just my part time jobs are getting me stressed." I say as Mina looks at me weirdly.

There's an awkward silence as Mina stared at me quietly. I look at her in confusion.

"You should do that more..."



I look at Mina dumbfounded as she reaches out to her bag again. This time taking out a bag of candies.

"What do you mean? I always laugh..."

"Not in front of me, girl." Mina smiles, ripping the bag open. "You're also really pretty, you know. Someday I want to do your makeup."

"I am to pretty for makeup-"

"Awe, come on Nora. You're such a mood." She whines, popping a candy into her mouth. "You'll look pretty. You won't even need boys. Just marry me instead."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I laugh, grabbing the pack of candies from her hand. "But if you want me to marry you then this is all mine."

"Ah hell no. My candies are worth more than you. Give it back-"

"It's mine now."

"Nooo, we're supposed to be best friends Nora. How could you do this to me!!!" Mina jokes, sarcastically acting heart broken.

"We're always going to be best friends. No matter what I do."


I stretched my back as we got off the cramped bus. The whole ride was spent with Mina chattering about random things. I couldn't help but feel slightly grateful to have her as a friend.

"Wait, this isn't a rest stop..." I mumble, looking around at the mountains that surrounded us.

"To say that there is no ulterior motive.. Would be a lie." Mr. Aizawa says, making me look at him in confusion.

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