~ Chapter 12 ~

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"Turn to page 229 in your textbook." Aizawa began, in a monotone voice.

It was the afternoon half of the day, and I was already ready to go home.

What made me really want to escape this place was the fact that we are doing math right now. Math class never ends. It's the most boring class of the day, I could write a whole essay as to why math class is a waste of my time.

The main reason why I hate this class is because I already know all the stuff that they are teaching. I was taught this back at the hospital when I was eleven.

To say the least, I have to go through the torture of listening to everyone talk in numbers again.

I plopped my math notebook on my desk, as Aizawa started reviewing algebraic expressions. I stare blankly at the board.

Ever since my little outburst at lunch, Shoto didn't even bother looking at me. He probably thinks I'm crazy for throwing water at someone. I mean, I don't blame him, would you want to hang out with a crazy girl who throws water at whoever makes them mad...

Well, this girl didn't just make me mad, she insulted me. I won't stand that. Even if I have to look like an anger issued brat.

Now that I think about it... everyone probably thinks I am something like that. The fight with Bakugou on the first day of school, and then when he punched me. And now this fight with a nobody.

She ruined my whole lunch break.

Then, there were those flashbacks that came up...

It has only been a few days since school has started and there has already been so much drama. I hate it, but I guess everything will calm down in a few days and I won't have to be the center of attention.

As I pretended to listen to Aizawa speak, I felt a pair of eyes on me. Putting my thoughts away I look at Mina. She was smirking at me, I obviously know what she is thinking.

Mina turns to look back at Aizawa, he wasn't looking at us, He was writing some math equations on the board. Before I could react to anything, Mina threw a small paper ball at me.

Is this supposed to be a note?

Just as I was about to open it up, I saw Shoto staring at me from the corner of my eye. He was looking at me like I was crazy. Telling me to pay attention in class and not send notes, because of Aizawa's apparent keen eyes.

I don't care about paying attention, I have already gone through this lesson a billion times, on my own.

Shrugging my shoulders, I smile at Shoto. He rolls his eyes at me and turns to face forward and pay attention.

Since when did he care about studying?

Looking back at the note that Mina chucked at me, I decided to open it.

You like Todoroki don't you? Hah! I totally knew it!!! What was it, love at first sight? Don't worry, I totally ship!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, you should confess, I just know you two are made for each other!!!

I shouldn't have opened it.

I stare blankly at the note in my hand, she could have said all this after class...

She clearly doesn't know the whole thing, I mean, What am I supposed to tell her? I got rejected...

Whatever, I shouldn't care about this right now, it's just Mina, I'm not supposed to answer her or give explanations. She isn't even someone really important in my life. I couldn't give a crap about what she thinks about me and my relationships. Someone needs to teach her to mind her own business, though.

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