~ Chapter 25 ~

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It's pretty obvious that my life is a whole load of crap. Especially my childhood.

Getting kidnapped by a bunch of crazy doctors and being turned into a human lion isn't what you would want to spend your days doing. But...Would you be surprised if I told you that my life has been trash since before that incident too?

Surprise Surprise, The first incident happened when I was 7, almost 8 years old.

Never would I have thought that the camping trip my family was planning after they had won the most prestigious businesses awards would result in a car crash. I still remember the feeling of immense fear when the car went flying out of the cliff. That look in my fathers eyes when he knew that it'll be the last time I'm going to see him.

The next thing I knew I was being woken up by a bunch of doctors, and Endeavor was staring at me from a few feet away. The doctors were urging me to stay in place, but my crazy self went hysterical. Looking everywhere for my mom and dad.

It was too late.

To say the least... Endeavor took me in, letting me live in a small cottage near their house. Ms. Todoroki was the one who took care of me... and that's how my relationship started to form with the Todoroki family.

Nothing could be heard as I nonchalantly leaned the back of my head on the wall. Endeavor stood across from me, an unreadable look present on his face. His arms crossed as his eyes inspected me, taking in my new appearance.

"You look... different..." Endeavor spoke, breaking the silence.

"What can I say, I've got a completely new makeover." I beam, my smile growing wider.

"Who else knows about you being Emiko?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Just you at the moment."

Endeavor stays silent at my words, his eyes studying my unbothered smile. A frown present on his face.

"You really are something else, Emiko. Thought you had died when I had first rescued you, then again the day of the villain attack, and finally at the rescue mission. Yet here you are, standing in front of me like nothing happened."

My nose scrunches up in disgust when he mentions the rescue mission. I shake my head in annoyance.

"Eh, I know. I'm pretty amazing. I'm more surprised that you actually figured out who I was right away. That's the number two hero for ya!" I say, pointing a finger gun towards him.

A proud smile forms on his face as Endeavor puffed up his already puffed up chest.

"I remembered how you looked at the rescue mission. It wasn't hard to forget. Your hair had changed colors and your ears had become pointed. Because I wasn't paying attention to you until a few minutes ago, it took me a while to realize right now." He explained. "Now that we're talking about it... how did you manage to stay alive? All of the heroes there witnessed you being strangled to death by the doctor, although no one could do anything to stop it, he threw your body into the fire to kill you. Besides the Boss, we were able to apprehend everyone."

"Who's this boss?"

"Do you not know, idiot? The man who was behind your whole experiment. He named himself the boss. Most people call him Big Boss to indicate his significance. The bastard got all his workers caught in place of him. We couldn't see his looks either. Most were captured, One escaped, and one died."

I stared at Endeavor dumbfounded as he casually stood in front of me.

"Someone died?"

"Yeah, the man who had killed you... Never seen Eraser so mad. Unfortunately the man got strangled by your homeroom teacher. Although it wasn't intentional, the man died. Eraser had to face charges and suspension of his hero licenses too."

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