~ Chapter 26 ~

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Word Count = 5180 


I slumped in my chair as I placed my drink and food on the chair next to me. With a sigh of frustration, I scratch the back of my neck and turn to face the stadium below.

Midoriya versus Shoto.

"Nora, why are you eating right now?" Kaminari asked from the seat in front of me, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.

"I didn't get to eat at lunch break." I mumble dismissively, pinching my forehead with two of my fingers.

At the moment, my head was spinning. As I tried to calm myself down, my heart was pounding. To keep my heavy eyelids from becoming slits, I blink them away.

I was still mad.

"So why right now when your match is next?"

So nosy.

"Because my first two matches were way too reckless." I say, grabbing the box of salad and opening it. "I wasn't thinking or had a good strategy planned."

"But you literally gave your opponents a good run for the money..."

My first win was against a girl named Ibara Shiozaki. Her quirk was vines and her attacks were powerful. But I managed to dodge all her attacks and climb up her vines. That's how I got close to her. When I was about to give her a punch under her chin to knock her out, I figured she had a huge pillar of vines behind me to make me crushed. To say the least I managed to move out of the way and 'accidentally' push her to where I was standing. The result was her passing out and maybe also breaking a bone or two from her own quirk.

The next match I had was against Fumikage Tokoyami, a.k.a Bird beak. Way harder than vine girl. I mean, I was literally dodging a monster the whole time. While Tokoyami stayed on his side and relaxed. Just looking at him made me even more pissed. I literally jumped on top of dark shadow and made the bird monster thing panic, that made Tokoyami panic... So I kicked him out of bounds when he wasn't watching.

Yeah, I mean like I may have kicked him where the sun don't shine...

This time, I didn't answer him, instead sticking my fork into my lettuce and eating it.

"I thought you're the type to eat meat. Why are you eating vegetables-"

I turn my eyes into slits as I glare at Kaminari, he cuts his sentence short. Before facing ahead, he lets out a tiny scared chuckle.

"I already told you, because my previous rounds were not how I should have done them." I grumble, watching as Tokoyami enters our bleacher area and takes a seat beside me. "I need to eat to stop the drawbacks from fully taking over my quirk. If I'm trying to calm my quirk down... why would I eat meat?"

"I never knew you had drawbacks to your power."

"Everyone does, dumbass."

Shoto's previous match with Sero was way too reckless. He destroyed the stadium and froze up half the audience. The moment he froze him, Shoto looked up at me in the bleachers.

He was showing me what his single power is capable of.

Now he's against Midoriya. Then I am against Bakugou.

I don't really know what to expect of this match.

This isn't going to be an easy match. Midoriya doesn't know the true abilities of Shoto's power. He had a glimpse of it during the first match but he doesn't know the true capabilities.

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