~ Chapter 54 ~

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"Mina!" I yelled, brushing past Midoriya, Iida, Shoto and the hoard of students that swarmed the licensing exam area.

Mina turned around when she heard her name, a smile immediately forming on her face when she noticed me swarming through the crowd to get to her.

"Kirishima! Sero!" I say as I finally got out of the swarm of kids and was closer to Mina. "Kaminari... oof!"

I let out a sigh of relief as my claustrophobia slightly went away now that I was closer to my friends. A smile forms on my face as I look towards the last member of the squad.


"Don't call me that!" Katsuki-kun screamed, spitting everywhere in the process.

"Nora! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Mr. Aizawa?" Kirishima asks, tilting his head to the side in question.

"Who cares! Are you participating in the licensing exams now, Nora?" Mina beamed, shoving Kirishima behind her as she looked at me excitedly.

"Whoa that's awesome Nora! Let's beat everyone's ass together!" Kaminari says excitedly from behind her.

I chuckle a little, scratching the back of my neck in the process.

"Not really. I have to head back up. I'll be watching you guys from the bleachers." I say, feeling someone's eyes on us.

"Oh.. that's too bad..."

"Then why the heck are you wasting our time?" Katsuki-kun fumed, making me look at him smugly.

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I lookeTd at Katsuki-kun like he was the stupidest person ever.

"What'd you think, Katsuki-kun?" I smile, seeing the tick form on top of his head

"I don't care-"

"I came to wish you guys good luck." I blurt out, making everyone freeze on the spot.

There's a tense silence as I felt everyone's eyes on me. I looked at everyone awkwardly as they'd all frozen in their spot.

Well that is, until Kaminari let out a small gasp and fell backwards onto Kirishima.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Mina says in shock, putting her hand on her mouth.

Kaminari... who was faking his fainting placed his hand on his forehead dramatically as Kirishima wiped a tear from his eyes.

"Did you just say that you came to wish us luck." Kirishima cried, pushing Kaminari off him. "That's so... Manly!!!"

"She's being so petty. Disgusting." Katsuki-kun spoke, looking at me stupidly.

I look at the four of them blankly, before rolling my eyes and squatting on the ground. The group looks at me as I place my chin on my fist.

"No, no. Continue. I'm watching." I urge, tilting my head to the side in curiosity.

Not so surprisingly, Mina, Kirishima and Kaminari break into pits of laughter earning a hiss from me.

"Awe, come on Nora, We're just joking!" Mina says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

I protest a little, before finally and lazily getting up from the ground. I look at the group with annoyance as they surround me like I'm a damn idol. Well everyone but Katsuki-kun.

"You actually came to wish us luck? That's so nice of you!"

"I'm just surprised that she remembers I exist."

"Don't get too flattered, Kaminari." I say, rolling my eyes in the process."I said I came here to wish you luck, but I've also got something else to say."

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