~ Chapter 5 ~

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"We have to guard this. " I say as I come up with a bunch of different plans as to how we could win. "We have 5 minuets. Till then we should make a plan "

"Hey." Bakugou says, cutting my thoughts. "So, Deku has a quirk...? "

Deku? That's Midoriya right?

Midoriya has a quirk, why is Bakugou in so much shock? Please don't tell me he will go for him first, without thinking.

"You saw his monstrous strength, no? Although it puts him at great risk." I note. "I'll ask you not to charge straight for Midoriya."

A lunatic grin spread over Bakugou's face. "That damned nerd."

Without another word Bakugou starts to march towards the door. Ready to practically 'Kill' Midoriya.

"Huh? Wait, Bakugou. Stop. I should be the one going down there. I excel in stealth." I say walking behind Bakugou.

"Yeah, right. I am going to be the one to kick Deku's ass." He dismisses, not even caring about what I said.

"Ok, fine. But we can at least make a plan" I say, desperately trying to make him stop.

"The plan is that I go fight Deku, no need for a weakling like you." Bakugou ordered, turning around and continuing his way to the door.

"No, Bakugou stop- "

Before I could finish my sentence, Bakugou swung his right arm and punched me on the left side of my face.

I hold my cheek from the pain and shock of what had just happened.

"Bakugou, you are to not fight your own team mate."

The two of us completely ignored All Mights shouts.

"I am going to win this thing on my own. I don't need your help." Bakugou fumed.

He turned around and walked towards the door. Ready to beat up anyone in his way.

"Yesterday... " I say, stopping Bakugou in his tracks. "Yesterday, you wanted to fight me. Logically speaking, Bakugou, You are really strong, and if I were to fight you. I wouldn't stand a chance. I guess your quirk is too powerful."


"You are powerful, Bakugou." I repeat. "You are also fast. Everything you need to be a hero, right?"

I wait a few seconds for Bakugou to answer. He doesn't. Just glares at me trying to understand what I am trying to say.

"Wrong." I sigh. "Being a Hero doesn't just mean being strong, or fast. It also means being smart. If you want to be a hero, you need to be smart and agile. So tell me Bakugou. Do you really think you are ready to be a hero?"

I walked up to Bakugou, he was only a few inches away from the door.

"You may have trained your muscles and quirk, being able to do a hundred push ups or whatever shit you do for your workout." I say to the hot tempered pomeranian. "But always remember, your strongest muscle is the brain. Use it wisely."

Bakugou stares at me with a blank expression. There is a long pause of silence. Without uttering another word, Bakugou walks out of the room.

I let out a sigh of relief. I hope I knocked some sense into him. But, if he continues to go on with his emotions for Midoriya, this is going to be a definite loss.

Not that I care.

Turning on my heels I walk towards the fake bomb, sitting right in front of it. I lean against the giant bomb and rest the back of my head against it.

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