~ Chapter 30 ~

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I forgot to post yesterday :0

"Stop looking at the TV like that, you're giving me the creeps." Bakugou said from beside me as I stared at the news channel in front of me in a frozen state.

My jaw faltered before slowly falling open as I finally processed what I had just seen.

What the heck is Shoto doing in Hosu!?!!

I said I wanted to see Midoriya suffer, not Shoto.

-and just exactly who did he end up encountering? Well, that stupid Hero Killer who murders heroes as a hobby.

He's going to hear it from me when I get back to UA. I'm not allowing him to avoid me any longer.

What is it with kids nowadays? Jumping into situations where they could possibly die and kill others. So irresponsible.

"Of course, Shoto came out of such a dangerous situation with barely any injuries." I brushed him off, turning on my heels

"Yeah, you weren't even over there and it looked like you were getting the seizure."

I didn't respond to his remark right away, walking away from the T.V as I looked around the office.

"Sure forget that, but let's talk about your beautiful new look." I beam, clasping my hands together.

An immediate feeling of satisfaction crawled up my skin as a tick formed on Bakugou's head. He stormed up behind me, using his quirk as a threat.

I still remember how I burst into tears of laughter when I first saw Bakugou's new hair style. Yes, I had to braid my hair to keep it nice and 'maintained', but come on, I didn't look half as bad.

"Stop making fun of me, I'll kill you!" He fumed, earning a confused shrug from me.

"Huh? I said it looks nice?"

"Liar. You think I'm dumb."


Bakugou raises his palm, preparing to put an explosion.

"No!- No. You're not dumb Bakugou... It's just that... You look cool!" I immediately said, waving my hand in front of him as I took a step back.

Bakugou raises an eyebrow at me, unsure if I was just bluffing or actually meant it.

Well, of course, I was bluffing.

"I'm not lying Bakugou, you look amazing!" I cooed, slowly walking around him as he looked at me with the corner of his eyes. "And you're also so strong!"

"Heh, I know that."

"Mhm! You're literally the one of the strongest in the class." I say, continuing to walk around him in a circular motion. "And smartest."


"Of course, you'd grow up to be better than All Might." I smile, putting my arms up in the air to emphase big.

"What do you want?"

"That's more like it. Listen Bakugou, I need you to do me a huge favor. Pleaseee."


"Alright, Just tell everyone that I quit the match cuz' I was going to lose anyways."

Everything goes silent as Bakugou freezes in his place for a long moment. He stares at me dumbfounded before raising an eyebrow.


I let out a small chuckle, scratching the back of my neck as I tried to find an excuse.

I don't want everyone to look so highly of me. It's irritating.

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