~ Chapter 23 ~

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I lie down in the middle of the training gym. Using my bag as a pillow. There is no one in the gym so I should feel a little creeped out about using the gym alone, but it's actually pretty relaxing.

Shoto has booked the gym for us to practise. I guess I was a little too early. I should be warming up and getting ready for the Sports fest. A few moments of relaxing won't kill me.

I stare blankly at the gym ceiling. I'm really leaving this place in a few weeks, huh? It feels pretty weird, I mean, even if I have been here for like less than a month, I'm kinda gonna miss it.

Well what am I going to do after leaving UA? I'm going to use all my money which I had collected so far and use it to fly somewhere far from here and Shoto.

I know I sound like those cringy actors in movies, but hear me out. After what happened to Shoto in the market where I met Hawks, I found out his mental condition after what had happened with Emiko's death. His emotions got triggered after looking at a normal building which got attacked. He was completely fine before that and he was completely fine when he saved Benjiro from the fire. So why'd he panic all of a sudden after looking at the building?

There is only one thing that I think of when it comes to this. His panic attacks come out of nowhere. They can be triggered by small things, but most of the time Shoto tries to suppress it and make it die. At random times, he can fail to do so and have an attack. It's not something he likes, and he tries his best for it to stop but once it happens, it's extremely hard and can take some time to calm down. Based on his reaction to when it happened, he was pretty shocked that it had happened. This only means one thing...

My return to Shoto's life is triggering his emotions. He may not be aware that I'm his old friend Emiko, but his body is unexpectedly reacting to small things. He has been feeling Emiko around him. I may as well remind him of her, without him knowing. That's why when he looked at the building he panicked remembering what had happened that day. If I just stay in his life for longer, Nora may just keep reminding him of Emiko. For his health, I need to leave from his life so he could get over her and forget about his childhood.

It breaks my heart, but I need to stay strong. Maybe I can forget about him too, after I leave. I'll just try to live my life as a normal girl. Maybe it'll be best like that. I mean, I have a lot of money that I've collected throughout the years. I'll just try to travel or something and make this most of life. I know I told Aizawa I was here at UA to make the most of life, but we all know that's not true.

Speaking of Aizawa, he's probably going to wonder where I went, or why I'm quitting. I should just tell him that I am a traitor and regret coming here at UA. He may try murdering me in the spot but I won't care as long as I get to see that expression on his face. If I just leave normally I don't think he would even care. He'll probably be relieved that another one of his obstacles is out of his way.

"You're here." I say, looking up at Shoto who was standing behind my relaxing figure.

"You didn't react when I walked into the gym. What were you thinking about, that you didn't even hear me?" He says, dropping his bag beside my head.

I get up from my lying down position, looking at Shoto with a big smile.

"Nothing. Let's practice."

Shoto eyes me."You're pretty excited for someone who's scared of fighting villains."

Oh right, he still thinks I'm scared of wannabees.

"Well that's because I'm doing this with you!"

"You don't stand a chance."

I laugh at Shoto's self confidence. He sure is aiming to be the number 1 hero, huh? I haven't really seen Shoto fight, ever. Sure, maybe I've seen him do his horrible quirk training when we were young, and then that easy fight in the battle training. But, that's not really actual combat since he didn't even try to win.

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