~ Chapter 17 ~

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I let out an annoyed groan as bright light shines on my face, waking me up from my faint sleep. I lazily flip to the side, hiding my face from the sunlight.

I don't want to wake up. Even though I have been on my bed for hours, I kept tossing and turning the whole time. I only got two hours of sleep... I think. But, considering the way I feel right now, I don't think I even slept.

Yesterday after my little date-not-date with Shoto, he dropped me home (because apparently it's not safe to go home alone in the evening.) No matter how much I try, I can't stop thinking about what happened back at the cemetery.

Maybe it would have been better if I didn't go with him to the cemetery. But if that were the case, then I wouldn't know what Shoto truly felt.

I groan in annoyance, burying my face in the pillow. What? I see no problem with pillow suffocation as stress relief.

I don't want to go to school today. I have a feeling that it won't be a good day. It's better to just stay home and chill than going to school and facing problems.

That would work, yeah, good idea. Let's just not go to school and catch up on our sleep.

Sighing deeply I pull my blanket up. Covering my whole body from head to toe to block the sunlight. I'd rather sleep like this then actually walk up to close the blinds.

Ugh. Why are they open in the first place? I probably forgot to close them last night.

Yesterday was such a trashy day. I never forget to close the blinds, yet I did because of the stupid stress from yesterday.

Speaking of...

I quickly toss my blanket from my face, instant memory coming back.

I can't not go to school today. Because of Aizawa... he's gonna think the conversation from yesterday had apparently impacted me... making me miss school today.

I can't let him think that. I am not weak and won't be impacted by a simple conversation about my past in the hospital. It means nothing to me.


Sighing, I get up from my bed. Today is going to be a long day. What time is it? I feel like I have plenty of time-

I stare blankly at my clock... 8: 20 am.

Yeah, never mind. I only have 20 minutes till the first block. I can totally come on time.


I gasp for air as I stand in front of the classroom door. My feet were aching and hair was not tied as neatly as it usually is. To make things worse, my stomach was empty.

There is still a minute till the first period starts. I'm early enough.

I make my way into the classroom and plop down to my seat. Trying not to look dead.

I can't wait for school to be over so I can sleep.

"Nora! Did you hear!" Mina squeals coming in front of me out of nowhere. Also, making me scowl at her excitement in the morning. "All Might beat 3 villains in one hour this morning! So cool!"

Seriously... am I the only one who isn't ready and energized in the morning.

"Amazing. " I say playing with my chipped nails and not even looking at her phone which she was shoving up my face with the news.

Mina pouts at my lack of response. "Aw come on Nora, why are you so dead? Wake up! Today is going to be a great day! I can tell."

Yeah, I can tell this day is going to be trash.

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