~ Chapter 32 ~

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"Don't even try to fight back." Shigaraki says, gripping my throat harder. "It'll only take one more finger for me to disintegrate you. No one will know where you went or what happened to you."

From the harsh push Shigaraki had given me earlier, his hood had fallen off, exposing me to his handless face and feral smile. The man lets out a louder laugh as he looks at his hands on my throat.

Well... his smile and laugh drop when he looks at my nonchalant face.

"Putting a brave face to act strong?" Shigaraki says, putting a disgusting finger on my cheek. "Is this really how you are Nora Azumi? Acting strong but having panic attacks on the inside-"

"Wait a minute." I finally spoke, as he was about to put his whole hand on my face. "My pocket... Do you mind?"

Shigaraki looks at me in confusion as my eyes trail towards my sweater.

"You blocked my hands behind my back. I have something in my pockets which I need... do you mind...?" I mumble, looking back at Shigaraki. "Stop looking at me like that, it's not a grenade, you idiot. Besides you can still keep one of your stupid hands locked on my beautiful throat-"

I stop speaking when Shigaraki glares at me, making me smile at him sheepishly.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Shigaraki grumbled, pulling out a small packet from my sweater pockets.

A small smile spread across my face as Shigaraki stared dumbfounded at a pack of chapsticks. The man's eyes immediately snapped towards me as he pressed his hands tighter towards my throat.

"Is this a joke?" He fumed, dropping the smile from my face. "I'll kill you in less than a second."

"Excuse me?" I say, my jaw dropping in offense. "I had already decided that I'd give you a pack of these the moment I saw you. I didn't know you'd show up right away the next day so I was disappointed that I couldn't give you any. If I'm being honest, I forgot about you until a few hours ago when I saw a dog barking at a pole. To say the least, that dog reminded me of you and how I needed to have an extra packet of lip balm with me if I ever encountered you again. Look at luck, we met the same night!"

"Shut up!" Shigaraki rasped, stopping me from blabbing. I raise an eyebrow at the man curious to what he'd do next.

"I was going to kill you the moment I saw you... You didn't realize I was following you for 15 minutes straight. I held back on killing you because you seemed so lost in thought I wanted to know what a bitch like you was thinking." He spoke, his hands getting lighter from around my throat.

I stare dumbfounded as Shigaraki lets go of my throat. He stands up from the stairs, looking down at my slumped position with an unreadable expression.

The man takes a small phone out of his pockets. Keeping a steady eye on me, he dials a number on the phone, placing it on his ears.

"Kurogiri, open a portal... I have a guest."

My eyes immediately turn into slits as I stand up from the stairs. I look at Shigaraki in question as he looks at me with a feral smile.

"Surely your guest doesn't mean me." I say, looking at him sternly.

"Of course it does." Shigaraki says, making me look at him in disbelief. "You have only two options, Nora Azumi. Either you die here or let me kidnap you."

"Amazing choices, I chose none." I remarked, casually leaning on the stairs.

"That means you'd rather die." Shigaraki says, stepping closer towards me. "It'll only take one touch and you'd be dust."

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