~ Chapter 57 ~

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Nora POV

Profanities escaped my mouth as I whispered panickedly to myself while taking Shoto to my dorm room. I continued to experience a panic episode with Shoto a few meters behind me, wandering behind me boredly.

What if he asks why I rejected him?

What if he begins crying and accuses me of being cruel?

What if he begins to hate me?

What if he calls me a bitch?

What if he asks me out to that stupid party we're having?

Whatever happens, I'm not going to allow Shoto to take me to the party as his date. He'll get close to me if that happens. Shigaraki and All For One's spy might get him killed.

It's more than that. Dabi also said that he will be on the lookout for me. Of course, if he ever sees Shoto with me, he'd be suspicious. Since the sweet moment when Shoto tried to save me from eating a raw hand, he's already been suspicious.

Okay. I need to calm myself and come up with a foolproof plan to tell Shoto that I don't like him, as Mina had advised.

First, he's going to be like 'Nora, I've fallen deeply for you, please be my date to the Ball' just like all those Gisney movies.

Then, I have to be like 'Oh Shoto! I'm so sorry, I'm in love with Katsuki-kun-'

Wait. Scratch that out. Let's not drag poor Katsuki-kun into this. I'll be more original... something like...

'Oh Shoto! I'm in love with boys who smell like flowers, not cauliflowers. I'm sorry.. Just ask that girl with the dusty eyes who called me an insecure bitch.'

No, no, no. If I say that then I'm going to be the one weeping on the floor while I watch my 'love' dance with someone else.

'Oh Shoto! I'm in love with boys who smell like flowers, not cauliflowers. I'm sorry. Go to the party without a date. Just like me so that we both don't get jealous over each other!'

Haha. I guess that works and then he may be like 'oof, my heart! I thought you were the one who asked me out in the first place...'

'That was long ago my dear Shoto... I've grown up and found taste...'

'Long ago? You'd ask me out only a few mon-'

'One hundred and fifty nine days have passed since I asked you out. I've grown up tremendously since then'


Wait, wait, ugh. I have to make sure Shoto doesn't fall to the floor crying or something. Maybe I can just say...

'I'm sorry Shoto I'm not going to the party because I'm going to have a headache.'

"Get out of your head."

Shoto's voice brought me back into reality with a tiny jolt. Shoto was standing in front of the entrance of my dorm room as I turned around. I let out a tiny chuckle as I realized I had walked right past it.

I gave Shoto a smile as I slid my hands into the pockets of my jeans and rummaged through them for my keys. As I return to my room and place my keys in the hole, he keeps his gaze fixed on me.

When my door opens, a little cough leaves my mouth. I open the door, returning my eyes to Shoto.

"You can wait here-"

"Am I not allowed in your room?" He says, looking at me with a pout.

I scratch the back of my neck before turning around to face my dorm. I sighed and returned my gaze to Shoto, who was still sulking at me.

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