~ Chapter 6 ~

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"That's it for today's class! Go home now, youthful children " Midnight said, striking a pose before walking out of the room.

The class immediately shuffled, as everyone went to talk to their friends, but my eyes caught a particular blonde haired boy walking straight out of the room.

Midoriya hasn't come back from Recovery Girl, yet. When I went to get my swollen face checked, he was sleeping.

I watched as Bakugou walked out of the room, no one paid particular attention to him. He headed left after coming out of the classroom, straight for the roof. But what really caught my eye was that look on his face. He looked betrayed, and angry. At himself and at someone else.

I turned to look at Shoto, he was packing his bag, getting ready to go home. I could stick around and make Shoto get to know me better, but-

I quickly stuffed my books in my bag and hung it over my shoulders. I quickly walked out of the classroom.

"Nora! Where are you going alone? Come on and hangout with us" Mina called from behind.

"Sorry, I have to go." I say, not looking behind.

I walk out of the classroom, turning left. I head up to the roof. I'm pretty sure Bakugou is up there. Why am I going behind him?

I have no idea.

I slowly open the door of the roof. There, I could see a blonde spiky haired sitting on the ledge of the roof. I couldn't hear, but I could tell that he was crying.

"What the fuck are you doing here." Bakugou said, turning around to look at me

"Oh nothing, I just came here to look at the view from the top of our school, didn't expect you to be here." I say walking towards Bakugou and sitting next to him.

Should I be punished for lying? Or rewarded for breaking the record of most lies?

"Go away from here," Bakugou grumbled. "This is my spot."

"I don't see your name anywhere." I responded.

Setting my backpack down, I took out a can of green tea.

"Where the heck did you get that?" Bakugou asked, looking at me as I opened it.

"Bought it at lunch, but I didn't get a chance to drink it. " I answered."Don't look at me like that, I'm not gonna give it to you." I teased.

A tick appeared on the top of Bakugou's head. "I wasn't looking at you because of that."

"Yeah right, liar."

"You know I could push you down the roof, right now" Bakugou fumed. "You'd be a flat pancake in seconds."

I start to laugh at Bakugou's threat."Sure, that would be cool! I always wanted to know what it feels like jumping from a high place."

Bakugou glares at me, as I sweetly smile back at him. Just as I was about to drink my green tea. Bakugou grabs it, and literally flips the can around to empty the tea right in front of me.

Is this guy for real? He emptied my precious tea.

I stared at Bakugou's hand as he crushed the can which once had green tea, single handedly.

"Ok, crushing the can was completely unnecessary." I scoffed. "Well, so was emptying out the tea, but still."

"That is what you get for annoying me." Bakugou grumbled.

I give Bakugou the 'are you serious' look. Rolling my eyes, I take out my phone and start playing a random game.

There was silence for a few minutes, I played on my phone and Bakugou just sat beside me. Not even looking at me. He just stared at the scenery below. I could swear I heard a quiet sniffle every few seconds.

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