~ Chapter 27 ~

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I felt the cold bronze metal on my neck as I walked down the School hallway. The sports Festival was finally over and I didn't get to watch Shoto's match against Bakugou.

Although I didn't watch the match, I had a pretty good understanding of what happened when I saw Bakugou screaming and yelling at Shoto and me while he was handcuffed.

After my match with Bakugou, I was told by Recovery Girl that I had broken my nose. She scolded me for messing Bakugou's body up and then forced me to take some vitamins.

I later asked her if I could sleep... which led me to missing Shoto's match.

When I woke up, I was no longer angry at Endeavor.

Instead a weird sense of satisfaction crawled up my skin.

Yes, I lost my match in my own regard. No, I don't regret it.

A small smile spreads across my face as I walk behind a silent and in shock Mina. She turns her head behind to look at me smiling to myself. A nervous chuckle escaping her mouth

"... Nora, I never knew you were crazy." She mumbles, making me drop my smile and look at her with a raised eyebrow.

I let out an embarrassed chuckle, scratching the back of my neck as I stopped on my tracks. Swinging my foot in the air lightly, I look towards the ground.

"Yeah... Sorry if I scared you. I just wasn't... my normal self." I say, smiling at her.

"Why'd you quit? You could have easily won first place."

I go quiet at Mina's words, looking to the ground in deep thought. Letting out a sigh, I look back at her.

"You said it yourself... I'm crazy."


I immediately froze as the familiar voice filled the hallway. I slowly turn my head around as I look at a furious Bakugou who was standing all the way at the other end of the hall, with an angry look on his face.

He immediately charges up his quirk, getting ready for a rematch right this second.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself, starting to walk backwards at a fast pace as Bakugou started to walk towards me quickly.

I start to turn around, walking at a fast pace. Until my walks slowly turn into runs when I hear Bakugou using his quirk to close up on me.

"I WANT A REMATCH RIGHT NOW!" Bakugou demanded, as I rushed past a terrified Kirishima and Kaminari. "STOP RUNNING!"

"No." I chuckle, sliding across the hallway as the sounds of the explosions got louder. "Try not to blow up the school while you're chasing me."


I rolled my eyes at his words, turning to the closest corner as I finally lost sight of him.

Letting out a sigh, I look around the hallway, only to notice two people standing in the near end. Shoto was bowing down slightly in front of a frantic Midoriya. He was clearly apologizing to Midoriya for his previous actions.

When he finally stood back up, Shoto noticed me staring in between him and Midoriya.

"Hey Midoriya!" I beam, walking towards the two as if nothing happened. "Hey Shoto! Congratulations on coming 2nd by the way. I couldn't watch the match but I know you had to look so cool out there-"

I stopped on my sentence as I heard Bakugou storm into the hallway. The boy gives me a death glare before marching up to me. I let out a tired breath, grabbing onto my knees in the process as I watched Bakugou.

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