~ Chapter 13 ~

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"Take a seat." Aizawa sighed, pointing towards his office desk. We were in his office. Aizawa had asked me to come with him because he had to talk about something. I have a clear idea of what this conversation is going to be about.

Silently, I trudged my way towards the seat. Without saying a word or making any sort of expression, I sat. Aizawa took a seat on the other side of the office desk.

I watched as Aizawa started rummaging through his drawer looking for something, after a few seconds he plopped a folder on the desk.

It was a blue folder nothing stood out much on it except the word T.O.P which was written in bold letters at the middle of the folder cover.

I squint my eyes slightly at T.O.P. I have never heard of that before, why is Aizawa showing me this...

Aizawa placed a small piece of paper on top of the folder, covering the T.O.P part, and also taking me out of my thoughts and also making my blood pressure rise as I looked at what's on the small sheet of paper.

It was a photo of a young girl, who looked about nine years old. She had pink long hair that was flying everywhere, clearly annoying her. Yet, she had a huge smile on her face, as if nothing could go wrong in this world. As if, there is no such thing as evil. As if, everything would always be fine...

I took a small gulp of air, as the room started to get hotter around me. The side of my face wet from stress and anxiety.

I need to calm down, I can't show people my weak side.

"Emiko Tanako ," Aizawa began, looking at the picture. "A young girl who lived a normal life... until she was kidnapped by the T.O.P hospital, to be used as a victim for a horrifying experiment. An experiment to make her a soldier for serving evil. "

T.O.P hospital... I didn't know it was called that. Pretty ironic, considering the fact that I hate that place the most in the world.

But... How does Aizawa know about all this? I thought he just met me once and completely forgot about me. How does he know about my past life and the experiment? What is he up to...

I stared at the picture blankly, feeling Aizawa's eyes on me, he was trying to get my reaction. I wasn't giving any.

"Another agency was taking on this case... but after a failed rescue... I took over, with no success till this date."

A failed rescue?

"Why are you telling me all this?" I ask, finally taking my eyes off the picture and looking at Aizawa.

The sleep deprived teacher looked at me with a more intense glare, he was trying to make me feel nervous, so I could unexpectedly spill all the details out. But, I was far from scared.

"You're going to tell me... how you survived," He said, taking me by shock.

What the hell does this guy mean by survived. I escaped, it's pretty obvious. Anyone would have figured that out.

"I don't know what you're talking about... " I say, taking a pen from a pencil holder on Aizawa's desk. I place the pen in between my fingers and stare to fiddle with it.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."

I don't give a response to Aizawa, staring blankly at the pen on my fingers and fiddling with it. I shake my head in disagreement.

"Stop lying." Aizawa said in a more stern voice.

I looked at Aizawa, he tried not to show it but I could tell he was really getting annoyed with my vague answers.

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