~ Chapter 48 ~

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All Might is officially retired, huh?

I was pretty surprised to see his weak side during his fight on TV with All For One. He was no good match for that guy, but at least All For One's in jail now. It took all his strength to defeat that man.

So here's my question: Who will put the society at ease now?

Endeavor? Oh, please don't make me laugh.

Everyone was shocked when they found out about All For One. The society is in a panicked state right now. Everyones wondering if there are more villains like All For One. And if their beloved Hero who could barely defeat All For One is now retired, who will protect them? Who is going to be the new symbol of peace?

The world needs someone to protect it. Someone to assure others that they are now safe.

I shouldn't worry about that right now.

After I had dragged Shigaraki into the portal, he had gone ballistic while watching the news on TV. It took hours of trying to calm the Crusty shit out. I didn't really do much, Toga was the one screaming at Shigaraki to get back to his senses.

Once he finally composed himself, Shigaraki told me to leave. That's the only thing he told me. So without questioning it, I left and came back to the hospital. Trying to act like I was there the whole time.

So here I am now, sitting in front of Aizawa's desk, solving a rubik's cube for the 35th time. While Aizawa sat in front of me, asking me the same question of why I had called him this early in the morning. Only to get a 'wait' in response.

"If you're going to waste my time, then I'm leaving." Aizawa grumbled, grabbing his files and sleeping bag in his hands.

"Wait." I mumble for the hundredth time as I look at my watch once more.

"You've been telling me to wait for a whole hour, Nora." Aizawa says, dropping his sleeping bag to the side as he once again took a seat on the chair. "Just what exactly are you waiting for?"

"51 Minutes, not an hour." I say, nonchalantly. Placing the rubik's cube on his desk, I sit straighter on my seat. Looking at Aizawa in the eye.

Aizawa raises an eyebrow at me as I take a deep breath, inhaling my surroundings. I slowly release my breath.

"He's here."

Before Aizawa could question me, a loud sound came from his door as Katuski Bakugou slammed the door open with his feet. Inviting himself in with a ferocious expression on his face.


Aizawa looks at Bakugou in disbelief as he storms into the room. Bakugou harshly pulls a chair beside me, before taking a seat...aggressively.

"What are you doing, here? I thought the police had given you strict instructions to stay at home."

"I snuck out-"

"I'm the one who told Bakugou to come here." I casually say, leaning my head on the back of my chair.

"No you didn't, No one tells me what to do. I came here, myself, for some damn answers."

"You told him about the mission?" Aizawa blankly asks, looking at me with a dark expression.

I shrug my shoulders without much care. Aizawa watches me as I put my elbows on his desk, putting a finger on my head to make it look like I was in deep thought.

He raised an annoyed eyebrow at my acting as I looked at him as if I had just found the answer to his question.

"I didn't, but you just did. Bakugou only recognized me as a villain." I say, a small smirk starting to form on my face as Aizawa scoffed at me.

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