~ Chapter 24 ~

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Double update today!

The day of the sports festival was finally here. We spent 2 weeks practising and working out. Just to be able to make it to the top and get interned by heroes. I wasn't intending on even trying hard to get into the top, yet after seeing Shoto working so hard. I decided that maybe I should try and prepare for it too.

Speaking of the last 2 weeks, they were completely trash. I spent all the classes we had glaring at Aizawa. He completely ignored my glares as if I didn't even exist. Some of the other students had caught me glaring at Aizawa too. I had no choice but to make lame excuses.

"What's the fuck is up with you?" Bakugou asked, as I was walking towards the cafeteria. "You've been glaring at Aizawa the whole day. Your negative shit is making the whole fucking class scared of you."

"I- Huh? No, I wasn't glaring at Mr. Aizawa... I was just making those faces cuz' I wanna... um, pay attention more! The math is killing me, that's why I'm probably unexpectingly glaring at poor Mr. Aizawa." I blabbed making Bakugou chuckle. He didn't say anything else.

It was pretty obvious Bakugou knew I was lying. I mean that's the worst ever excuse. I thought it would have been over until this happened.

"Nora, Girl... I'm calling the doctor." Mina cried, grabbing my arm when I was shoving my books in my bag, "You've been glaring at the teacher for a whole week. Your negative energy is making me unable to concentrate! I didn't know extra classes would make you this annoyed. And you didn't even start it yet. Mr. Aizawa told you he's not the one controlling this, so why?"

I look at Mina with an apologetic smile. "Sorry Mina, it's just that I haven't been sleeping much. Otherwise I would even think about glaring at the teacher. It's just because I'm tired and trying to pay attention in class, but I'm getting annoyed cuz of lack of sleep."

Mina looks at me in shock, pulling out something from her bag. Before I could even think of anything she grabs a protein bar and shoves it in my mouth.

"There! You can eat a protein bar and try to get more healthy. The sports fest is coming soon girl! You need to sleep and be healthy."

I tried my best not to gag as I ate the protein bar. It's not meat, it's not my thing.

Gosh, after that had happened I had puked when I went home. Someone needs to tell that girl that not all lions love protein bars.

Don't forget about Shoto. After what had happened at the gym, Shoto has been avoiding me. He won't even look my way. Not even glancing at me. As much as it broke my heart, I know he's focusing on the sports festival. I hope he does what's right.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing someone in this sports festival.

"I'm so nervous!" Mina says, I could literally hear her heartbeat.

The whole class 1A was in the waiting lounge. The more Mina explained to me about her nervousness, the more I got annoyed. But me trying to keep calm after freaking her out with my glares to Aizawa decided to say nothing.

"Shut up Racoon Eyes I'm going to win this damn thing so stop even trying." Bakugou grumbled from my other side.

Mina's jaw drops to the ground in offense.

"Everyone, are your preparations complete? We are set to enter in no time." Iida yelled.

"Midoriya." A voice I recognized too well spoke, catching the attention of everyone in the class.

"Uh, Yes Todoroki?" The broccoli head spoke in a nervous voice.

Bakugou and I look at each other as Shoto walks towards Midoriya. "On an objective basis, I think I'm above you in terms of practical strength...You've managed to get All Might's eyes on you, right?... I feel no way to pry into that, but... "

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