~ Chapter 18 ~

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I let out an annoyed sigh as I shifted two feet farther from the other students as Thirteen explained what we will be doing. She was talking about safety and the damage our quirks can cause. Of course it was the most boringest thing ever because even a baby would know how dangerous it would be to use our quirks and go wild.

Everyone claps when the speech is over thinking that the hero did something cool by telling us that our quirks can kill humans and that we should use it to save people. Just for the show I give the most sloppy clap

You're supposed to use your quirk to save people. If you just fight the damn villain and not care about the victims then that isn't considered being a hero. I would say it's showing off. I've already decided that I won't be a hero when I grow up... I'll just do the course because Shoto is here. But if I have to pick a type of hero, I would be a rescue.

Just move the victims out of the way and bring them to safety. Then you can show off your moves and beat the villain. Easy as that. Don't just butt into a fight and leave the savings for your stupid sidekicks, stupid people. By people I mean Endeavour.

Gosh. Don't even remind me of the guy, he's such a douche, number 2, show off.

The atmosphere starts to change as cold air brushes past my ears. My nose immediately picked up the change in environment, as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"All right, first things first-" Aizawa stops his sentence when his eyes land on me, immediately picking up my unease. The both of us turn to look at the fountain at the same time.

My eyes turned into slits as purple smoke swarmed around the fountain, sending harsher waves of wind towards us. I watch dumbfounded as a single crusted hand pops out.

Omg! It's Mr. Cursty... I said I would give him lip balm if we ever meet but I didn't bring any today. Damn it. I didn't know we would meet so fast, I literally saw him yesterday.

Speaking of, he's back here... which means he's planning to attack our school. Does this guy actually think that he could attack a class of hero course students with two teachers. I mean sure his quirk is amazingly powerful but then we have Eraserhead ... Not to mention a class full of nosy teens.

I try not to act surprised as more villains swarm out of the portal, all of them heading towards us. They all looked like wannabe thugs.

"Huddle together and don't move." Eraserhead shouted, pulling his scarf up with one hand as he ushered the class back with his other. "Thirteen, protect the students."

Panic formed in the atmosphere as everyone stared down at the waterfall in concern. Although I stood there wondering why everyone was acting like they're about to die.

I don't know what they are worrying about, the leader of this attack thought it was cool to show some random stranger that he could decay random stuff. I don't find it scary... it's actually pretty funny.

"What is that?" Kirishima says, squinting his eyes as he looks more closely at the fountains."Is this like that training pattern at the entrance exam."

"Don't move! Those are villains!" Eraserhead ordered, glaring at Midoriya when he took a step forward.

The panic increased as everyone looked down at the fountain once more. Small whispers of concern spread across the class as they exchanged nervous glances.

"Sensei! What about the intruder alarm sensors!?" Momo asked.

"Of course we have some set up, but... !" Thirteen began.

"Is this the only part of the campus they've infiltrated, or are they attacking all the others too... ?" Shoto said, everyone shutting up to hear what he had to say. "Then that just means they must have one amongst their number who has a quirk that can do that. An isolated space away from the school building... at a time when there's a class scheduled... it may seem out of the question, but... They must have some sort of solid objective. This isn't an ambush without some carefully planned scheme behind it.''

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