~ Chapter 64 ~

164 14 39

Shoto POV

The classroom was filled with small murmurs as I sat in my regular seat, hands crossed, and a blank expression on my face. Classes were back to normal after yesterday's party. Everyone was in their normal uniforms, reminiscing over the previous day's events.

or, more precisely, the one major event.

Some people turned to look at me behind their backs, while others looked towards the door. All the while, I kept my head down, trying to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. Everyone was waiting for a specific classmate to walk inside.

No one was particularly sure if Nora would come to school today, or if she was still in the dorms.

I put my hand through my hair, and let out a sigh. She can't just leave.

She can't just ruin everything for me and leave.

Because it'd make me mad.

It's a self accumulated feeling, I know. She has already apologized for what she has done and also rejected me when I asked her to be with me. The case is supposed to be closed and I should be over it.

However, something still lurks inside me. Ego, perhaps. Trying to accept her apology and move on has been difficult because my ego keeps reminding me of what I thought we had .

That very ego... made me walk away while someone could have died.

Everyone's eyes shot towards the door when it creaked open. They all watched as Nora entered, muttering profanities to herself. When she notices that everyone is staring at her, she looks around in confusion before approaching her seat slowly. As she takes her seat, she heaves a sigh and drops her bag on the floor.

She fidgeted with her fingers as her eyes darted around the room, and it was clear that she was well aware of the silence that had filled the room. No one said anything as they made the uncomfortable atmosphere in the room worse.

She let out a sigh and flipped her low ponytail behind her shoulder. Just as she was about to say something, someone else finally spoke up.

"Weren't you leaving UA for good?" Kaminari suddenly says, turning around and facing Nora. Jirou shrivelled at his sudden words.

The tip of Nora's ears turned a slight shade of pink as she turned to look towards Kaminari. She raised an eyebrow, trying not to act like she made a fool of herself by coming to school.

"I thought you had left. What are you still doing here?"

"I'm asking myself the same question." She muttered underneath her breath, looking at everyone's expressions of distaste towards her.

"I heard you like playing with people's feelings." Kirishima suddenly spoke, pulling his chair back to get a better look at her. "Not very manly."

Then the whole class erupted like a volcano.

"How could you do that to Todoroki?!"

"He's such a nice person! And he's hot! Why the hell would you use him?"

"It was really unfair of you to use Todoroki for my own personal gain."

"He's such a nice guy!"

"Are you alright, Todoroki."

I didn't pay attention to the people around me, instead keeping my gaze fixed on Midoriya, who sat a few seats in front of me. He had a blank expression on his face and was staring straight ahead as if he were a robot. He didn't join in the hurling of insults at Nora.

Another sigh escaped my lips.

"What are you talking about?" Nora suddenly said, her voice wasn't too loud but the whole class shut their mouths.

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