~ Chapter 56 ~

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Shoto POV

"Now that everyone... or at least the majority of individuals... have received their Hero licenses. We'll begin what's known as work studies. But we'll get into that in a bit more detail later. I have an important announcement to make right now." Mr. Aizawa spoke as I opened my notebook for class

It's been a day since the license exam. It's been a day since I failed.

I sighed and turned to face Nora, who was attempting to balance the tip of her pencil on her finger.

It's been about a month since I told Nora about my feelings.

I didn't fail the licensing test because of you. When you didn't see my name on the board, Nora, I saw it all over your face. You believed that by ignoring me, you were causing me to become distracted and fail the exam.

It was entirely my fault that I failed the exam. Because of my stupidity and hatred for Endeavor, I became distracted.

You didn't have to stay up all night crying about it.

Despite the fact that you've been doing so for the past few days.

Nora, I've noticed everything. I'm not that stupid. I can see the dark rings under your eyes that you attempted to hide with makeup. It's very easy to notice your puffy and red eyes.

Or perhaps I'm the only one who notices it.

There's something you're hiding. Something big. That is preventing you from being with me.

I could see the fakeness of your smile as clear as glass every time you plaster it on your face. I see the broken wreck you've become.

The reason for this is clearly because you feel guilty about rejecting me.

I shouldn't be allowed to complain because I've already rejected you twice.

I'm not sure what's keeping you from me. You were flustered when I told you that I had feelings for you. The next thing I know, you're getting a call, and you're freaking out.

You're being held back by something or someone.

I'm not going to let you get away with it. After all, you've driven me insane for you.

You're all on my mind right now. And things are only getting worse.

"Since the beginning of the year, you've been putting in a lot of effort. With the USJ attack, the Sports Festival, the Internships, the training camp, and now your license examinations, you've had a lot on your plate." As I continued to stare at Nora, Mr. Aizawa remarked. "As a result, the Hero Commission has decided to give you guys a 'break.'"

As I continued to gawk at Nora, I observed her cheeks becoming pink from the side. She was well aware that I was analyzing her.

It's almost funny how things have changed in the last few months.

"UA will be hosting a Formal Party."

I pay attention to him as Mr. Aizawa speaks. I raised an eyebrow as I realized what he'd just said in front of the class. The whole class broke out to excite chatters.

"Don't get too worked up just yet. The party would be a formal Hero course student's one. Other hero course students from other schools will also be there." Mr. Aizawa says, his face as worn as ever. "Since top heroes will be in attendance, make sure you don't do anything stupid and create a good first impression."

Mr. Aizawa proceeds to put on his sleeping bag, letting out a tired yawn before continuing.

"It's in one week so make sure you have something decent to wear." He walked away, collapsing to the ground and fell asleep.

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