~ Chapter 11 ~

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Nora POV

Yesterday was an absolute disaster.

Shoto had come and I almost revealed who I was. The word "Sister" had accidentally slipped from my tongue, I realized the moment I said it. So I repeated the same thing again, without the word sister. I shouldn't have been surprised when Shoto caught my little slip up.

To make matters worse, he is already suspicious of me.

I stand at the door of the cafeteria, the place is full of people. I don't like it. I would prefer eating outside.

So, what the hell am I doing here, you ask?

I came here because Shoto is somewhere in here. Don't go thinking I am some desperate creep who keeps stalking someone who rejected them. I just want to say thank you to him for coming over for dinner last night.

Nothing else. Totally.

My eyes scan the cafeteria for a specific red and white boy. Immediately catching him in the back of the cafeteria, sitting alone on a bench. With cold Soba.

Grabbing my tray of food, I make my way towards him. Only slightly bumping into someone one the way.

"Sorry... " I mumble, looking at the girl I bumped into. she stares at me blankly, before turning around.

"Whatever... " She says. walking away. Not that I care about her.

Turning around, I make my way towards Shoto again. He doesn't look up when I put my tray on the table.

"Rawrr!" I greet him.

"What do you want?" He asks, taking a bite of his Soba.

I chuckle a little at his irritation, taking a seat on the bench.

"Nothing really, just came to thank you for everything you did yesterday... again." I beamed.

Shoto doesn't say anything. He stares at his Soba in deep thought.

A conversation happening not so far away catches my attention.

"Look, look! Lookie!!! There is totally something up!" A girl, whose voice I recognized really well, beamed.

"Now that I'm seeing it for myself, I am actually starting to believe you, Mina. It's so manly!!!" A boy agreed.

"You think? She doesn't seem like the type to focus on these things. You know after seeing her fight with Bakugou on the first day. She totally showed Bakugou who's boss" Someone agreed. "That girl scares me."

"HUH?" Bakugou barked. "She didn't show me who's boss, I showed HER."

"Yeah, you showed her that you have anger issues." Someone laughed.

"Guys, shush, let's go and see what's up." Mina says. I can't see her but I can tell she was already halfway towards us. The others were following close behind.

You gotta be kidding me with these irritating people.

"Seriously... " I mumble to myself as Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Bakugou surround me and Shoto on the table. Mina sits beside Shoto, and Bakugou sits beside me. The others sit beside them.

I glare at Bakugou as he settles his tray on the table.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed, only loud enough for him to hear.

"Take this..." He snarled, placing a can of green tea in front of my tray.

A blank expression comes across my face as I stare at the can of green tea in front of me.

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