Chapter 84

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When you just start crying for no reason for the first time in months

Charlie POV

"You've got a feeding tube? Are you okay? Please don't tell me your sick...." My sister rambled, clearly scared. Reaching across the table I took her hand into mine and gave it a squeeze. "Aaliyah I promise, I'm not dying. I have an eating disorder and I'm working on recovery, getting a tube was my only option due to some complications." I told my sister carefully and she seemed relieved, though it occurred to me I had never told Taylor why I got a tube. She knew I'd gotten it during our break, but I never told her why. "What do you mean complications?" Aaliyah asked me and I sighed. "I was making myself throw up there for a while and that caused some damage to my esophagus so in order for that to heal my best option was a tube." I explained and though Taylor was hiding it well, I saw how anxious she seemed. Watching out of the corner of my eye I saw her take a pillow into her lap and use it to cover her stomach. "Um, I don't mean to sound invasive Ms. Swift but uh, do you have an eating disorder as well?" Aaliyah asked and my girl chuckled "It's Taylor and yes I do. Why do you ask?" My sister nodded, taking in this info "the way you hid your stomach. Charlie did that a lot growing up, she still does. I figured..." I let out a small, slightly forced chuckle "did I really do that as a kid?" Aaliyah nodded and smiled a bit before suddenly frowning "I am sorry....about our brother. What he did. He hurt me too..." though I began to panic at the mention of my rape I tried to keep my composure. Taylor jumped in quickly asking "so Aaliyah, got a significant other?" My sisters cheeks darkened "um well, I have a son. He doesn't see his dad much since Paul left the picture when he was 2 but he does see him every so often. That was the last relationship I had, I'm focusing on my son right now." "Makes perfect sense." "Do you two want kids?" Aaliyah breeched the question I'd yet to ask Taylor "I'm not sure. I think I'd be happy either way, whatever Charlie wants." We continued catching up for a while longer until suddenly there was a knock and there stood Andrea. She walked in and stood next to my sister. "Andrea? What are you..." I was cut off by my sister gasping. Looking back where Taylor was I found her on one knee. "Charlie Hansen, baby I have loved you since I laid eyes on you. Even if I was too stubborn to admit it. You've walked with me through hell on earth and have proved time and time again how perfect you are.  I would lasso the moon for you. The words I love you are not enough to show you how much you mean to me. I hope this is. Because you light up my life, I can't live without you in my life. I'll love you till we're grey and old. Will you marry me?"

Hi!!! I should really be sleeping rn. Suggestions? Opinions?


Tied Together with a SmileOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora