Chapter 67

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Andrea POV

I watched my daughter proudly from the VIP tent, still never getting over how her face lights up. Charlie had asked my opinion on something, a promise ring for Taylor. Immediately I agreed with the idea and Charlie proposed doing it during Enchanted. So I pulled my phone out and hit record when the song started, watching Taylor sing and smiling when Charlie approached her and they danced together for a while until the music cut and Charlie was handed a microphone. "Taylor Alison Swift, while it may be a bit early for marriage, I know your the one. So I wanted to give you this. It's a promise ring. I love you." Charlie said over the mic and placed the ring on Taylor's finger. You could see each diamond shine on the beautiful ring she'd purchased in secret. On the inside Char had gotten the date they started dating engraved. Taylor's eyes began to well up with tears and she chuckled into the microphone she had "Wow I didn't expect this tonight. Charlie baby, I love you so much. I know your the one, I promise." She said through teary laughs before the two interlocked in an obviously loving kiss. "Alright, I'll get back to what you guys came for? How about that." Taylor eventually said which made me chuckle, the music starting to play again. No one could focus the same as before, everyone squealing happily. I ended the video when they moved on and sent it to Charlie. The show ended rather quick and I went back to the dressing room, seeing a giddy Taylor sitting at her mirror. "Hey dear." I spoke and walked over to her, seeing that she was admiring the ring. "Oh my god Mom I can't believe she did this. She got the date we started dating ENGRAVED! She's so sweet! And this ring oh my god it's so perfect and she knows that I love our Enchanted dance and that I've dreamt of being proposed to on stage and" I cut my daughter off with a laugh "You love her. She spent a few weeks planning this for you. I should know, she asked me if she could first." "Like a blessing?" My daughter questioned and I nodded "Exactly. She loves you so much Taylor. I was right since the beginning, you guys are made for each other." I replied simply and sat down on the couch in her dressing room, Meredith jumping into my lap. Soon Charlie came in too, carrying a bouquet of flowers. "Hi baby." She said and kissed Taylor's cheek, presenting the flowers. "Baby! You didn't have to do this! God the promise ring is beautiful! How much was it?" My daughter questioned and Charlie shrugged "Nothing I wouldn't spend for you. I hope you like the engraving, it was a last minute touch." Taylor scoffed "Like? Charlie I love it! I love everything about this, about you. You asked my mom for her blessing to give me a promise ring, you got our anniversary engraved, your perfect."

Hi! Here's this. Suggestions? Opinions?


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