Chapter 43

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Taylor POV

"I think Charlie should go get the door, don't you think Steve?" The interviewer nodded. He was in on it. My girl stood up unsure and opened the door, instantly attacking Danielle in a hug. When they both came over Danielle had a microphone too. "Hi, you must be Charlie's infamous mentor?" "Yes that's me! My names Danielle. I've been working with Charlie on and off since she was about 10." "Wow. So how old are you now?" He questioned "I'm 33." Charlie chuckled "you look the same as you did at 16." We continued the interview for a while and then Danielle, Charlie, and I went back to my house. Once we were all comfortable on the couch Charlie looked at me "How did you know? I've never said her name online." I shrugged "I've got my ways love. Plus, she actually contacted me first." Pointing to Danielle, the raven haired girl whipped her head up. "Yeah Char. When I heard that you were dating Taylor I wanted to surprise you. Since we lost touch after you signed with Ariana I contacted her and miraculously got through." "I've still got no clue how you got past Tree." I laughed, picking up Meredith. "I have my ways. Charlie, how've you been? I uh, I saw the video. I'm sorry about not noticing." Danielle mumbled the last part. Charlie reached over and hugged Danielle. "It's okay D. Nobody noticed until this sweetheart for a reason." Charlie cuddled into my side, kissing my cheek. "What do you mean sorry you didn't notice? Charlie, if you guys lost touch 11 years ago that means...." I trailed off, a lump in my throat forming steadily. My girlfriends gaze seemed to waver, clearly trying to look anywhere but at me. "Angel, I'm not upset. I just wanna know, if you've been doing what you were doing for that long, have you ever been checked out by a cardiologist?" I questioned and immediately Charlie whipped her head up, starting to panic. She whispered "Please, I don't want to cry in front of Danielle." Sadly, Dani heard it "C, if your upset don't hide your emotions like you used to. If you want me to step out I can, whatever makes you the most comfortable." I watched my girlfriend nod, "could you step out for a bit?" Instantly Danielle complied and that's when Charlie broke down. "Do you think I have serious medical problems now? God, what have I done?" She sobbed. "Sweetheart, calm down, breathe. It is possible you could've done some damage. Would you be comfortable scheduling an appointment with a doctor? I'll be there the whole time." Slowly she began to compose herself, nodding. "Okay. Please, don't leave me." She begged, almost unable to be heard over the meowing of the cats. "Hun, I would never leave you. I want to be with you till we're grey and old. Now what do you say we let Danielle back in here?" Charlie nodded "I don't want her to see my face, so I might stay against you if that's okay?" Charlie whispered in my ear, "of course sweetheart." She cuddled into me just as Danielle sat back down. "So, you guys wanna grab dinner in a few hours? I've gotta head out but I'd like to catch up. It's okay if you can't eat much Char." She directed the last bit at my girlfriend. "Thank you D. I uh, how did you know?" "Well, anyone who's had an ED can see the signs."

Hi! Here's this! Found my earbuds :))))))) suggestions? Opinions?


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